Purported UK Cave-In (08/12/17)
Brexit Jihad designed to weaken the EU & UK at all costs
Why would the City of London Corporation (The UK’s Foremost Financial Services Lobbyists) or the European Commission care about EU or UK citizens?
German Chemical firm Bayer are buying US-firm Monsanto and so Germany just voted through the 5 year renewal of Monsanto’s controversial Round-Up weed killer licence at EU-Wide Level.
They had previously abstained. This time their vote swung it for the potentially carcinogenic pesticide.
Ireland are a tax haven favoured by the likes of Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook.
This 2011 post by David Malone explains what Germany really think of Ireland.
Ireland are also home to lots of Monsanto lobbying.

US are using Brexit & Ireland to colonise Europe as they’d originally planned via TTIP.
First Baghdad then Athens then London
French Economist Patrick Artus predicted way back in 2002 that Britain would surely have adopted the Euro by now.
He clearly never read the Sun.
The likes of Buiter can claim the ‘Cave-In’ as a victory for the EU or his type of disaster capitalism, but he fundamentally misunderstands.
Brexit is an opportunity for far greater disruption via regulatory arbitrage. Collateral damage will be borne by those whose shoulders are least broad.
Amusing Ourselves to Death — Brexit Jihadi in Sheep’s Clothing Jacob Rees Mogg on Marr Show (3/12/17)
We need to deliver the benefits of leaving to the poorest in our nation because otherwise they will feel deeply let down. That includes dealing with freedom of movement and that includes getting free trade deals so that we can learn the cost of food clothing and footwear.
This from an Alt-Right man who consistently voted to cut disability benefit and whose father William edited the Times for several years and said of Murdoch in his memoirs: “Looking back, he has been an excellent proprietor for the Times, but also for Fleet Street.”
Lord William Rees-Mogg wrote the following book, quoting a famous Rothschild on when best to invest in the stock market.
Not so different to Death of Britain by that other famous ex-Rothschild Brexiteer — Jihadi John (Redwood):
Necessary statement of the obvious by @Frances_Coppola. How can John Redwood, interviewed ad nauseam as no deal-evangelist, get away with this in plain sight? https://t.co/hGrA3CFHgm
— Robert Rotifer (@robertrotifer) November 13, 2017
Brits often sold secrets to Moscow during the Cold War. Redwood’s loyalty clearly lies elsewhere. He’s undermining Britain for his 30 pieces of silver. In days gone such behaviour could get you hanged.
Speaking in Codes – When you mean Deregulation, just say Ireland
Rees Mogg wants to maintain the integrity of Northern Ireland in UK and to have no hard border. This means he wants to recolonise the Irish by forcing them to accept the UK’s regulatory regime.
And if they don’t then Brexiteers can treat them just like they did the ‘Remoaners’.
Rees Mogg & Bannon Alliance
Marr should have asked Rees Mogg about Bannon’s stated aim to deconstruct the Administrative state.
This seems entirely consistent with Blood on The Streets and the Death of Britain.
Rees Mogg on Bannon
Rees Mogg suggests speaking to Alt-Right Breitbart owner Steve Bannon is just like talking to Barrack Obama’s “left-wing” former UK ambassadors.
Presumably Jihadi Joseph views fellow Tory austerity architects David Cameron, George Osborne & Oliver Letwin as a bunch of wayward Crypto-Marxists.
Just as energy firms trade with ISIS, Jihadis like Rees-Mogg get on well with comrades like Bannon.
Sympathy for the Devil
On the other hand, here’s Bannon explaining his Economic Nationalism to a US Black Republican meeting last week — a captivating speech.
Easy Rider
If you’re disappointed the BBC presenter didn’t do more to challenge Mogg, let’s not forget that till April this year, the Deputy Chair of the BBC Trust was Sir Roger Carr who, as well as Chairing BAE Systems, is a senior adviser at the world’s largest Private Equity firm aka Asset Strippers — KKR.
Trump’s People
Although Bannon talks about helping the working man in America, the fact is he was outnumbered by the buyout people.
Distressed-debt players rule the roost in Trump’s White House https://t.co/6ExG7Ez8cs via @FT
— Ranjan Balakumaran (@financialeyes) December 10, 2017
Fake News
Toward the end of the interview when asked about Trump retweeting Britain First, Rees Mogg says that Twitter is a trivial medium.
Conveniently ignoring the fact that this was the main medium via which the Brexit and the US election campaigns were fought and is the main arena for Fake News which is how Rees Mogg now maintains power.
What was Mogg saying pre-cave-in on Tuesday when DUP had just scuppered the deal?
Brexit saved thanks to the DUP https://t.co/oc02KTbDKf
— Jacob Rees-Mogg (@Jacob_Rees_Mogg) December 5, 2017
What was Arch-Remainer Roland Rudd’s reaction to Friday’s deal?
If we are to stay aligned to single market and customs union rules why don’t we just stay in single market and customs union? #BrexitDeal
— Roland Rudd (@RolandRudd) December 8, 2017
Trump’s favourite Russian Agent — Aaron Banks’ reaction to Rudd
For once I agree with you https://t.co/SwSV3Ow4st
— Arron Banks (@Arron_banks) December 9, 2017
Not going anywhere
Someone suggested a long time ago that maybe the UK should just say really loudly in the Mail that it has left, but not change anything at all.
Turns out that might actually be the plan.. https://t.co/V2gPWnAf40
— Lorcan Roche Kelly (@LorcanRK) December 8, 2017
The Real Deal
The US, UK & EU have always been run for the benefit of the same people — the Rich. Therefore the 2016 Trump & Brexit votes, though referred to as populism, are no different.
Under Brexit the US will export more to Europe by going through UK.
UK employment rights will take a hit and the Investor Protections that they tried to implement under TTIP will be granted under the US/UK trade agreement.
Europe’s regulatory system will be eroded despite the best wishes of their increasingly feeble politicians as the place doubles up as an old people’s home that markets itself as a gap year destination for the global middle class.
United States of Europe
Schulz, Freedom of Movement, & Social Dumping
Curious line in Schulz’s @SPIEGELONLINE interview. Posted workers is not a free mvmt issue (and was supposedly sorted by Macron). So what does he mean? https://t.co/56RLNkzJsQ pic.twitter.com/h94pAlxtvR
— Tom Nuttall (@tom_nuttall) December 4, 2017