What are they playing at?
It’s all a bit confusing. The EU is, as far as I know, a front for big business. So what is it doing passing anti-fossil fuel laws?
Small farmers have traditionally protested against the EU, but usually because they are worried that they are seeking to open the door to US corporations.
The French farmer Jose Bove famously smashed up a McDonalds as part of the anti-globalisation movement in the early 2000s.
Since then there has been the Gilets Jaunes movement which was about the way the French Government was overcharging drivers.
And now the Farmers are protesting the way the EU is restricting the use of fossil fuels.
Since when exactly did the EU go Green?
And what about large EU oil firms? Where do they stand? Don’t they have a lobby? What the fuck is going on?
I’m amazed that the EU has passed legislation on fossil fuels, supply chain, packaging, transport, environmental waste and pointed out that fossil fuels have been the biggest users of investor state dispute mechanisms. But something doesn’t feel right.
The head of client earth brussels says that lots of concessions were made. What were they?
And Philippe Lamberts of the Greens says the far right will likely kill this all off in the not too distant future.
Either way – the thing that is confusing for me is when and how the EU grew a conscience?
I still don’t trust them an inch. Look at how Von der Leyen is doing nothing to pressure Israel into committing less genocide in Palestine.
The EU leaders are psychopaths just like Biden – so what is the catch? Are they putting EU farmers out of business so the US can sell to them along with Brazil? There was a time when EU countries like France cared about and were scared of their farmers.
Those times appear to have gone.