Theresa May winds up China to please Trump — what about Hinkley & HSBC?

The FT says Theresa May won’t endorse the Chinese Belt and Road initiative.

The BBC:

Here’s HSBC’s website

HSBC has been named Best Overall International Bank for Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the inaugural Asiamoney New Silk Road Finance Awards, reflecting the Bank’s commitment to being the leading financial partner to clients engaged in Belt and Road projects.China’s Belt and Road Initiative is creating enormous business opportunities throughout Asia, Africa and Europe which HSBC could help you exploit. Covering two trade routes, the overall objective is to increase regional trade and encourage economic cooperation.

Stuart Gulliver, September 2016:

Nicholas Wilson, January 2018:

Meanwhile Cameron’s China fund is apparently hitting problems:

For more on HSBC, China, the French, and UK Nuclear Power Plant at Hinkley Point:

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