Ali Parsa, NHS Privatiser & Babylon Health CEO, attends Butchers without Borders

Why would UK-based "health entrepreneur", ex-Goldman Investment Banker, Babylon Health CEO, Ali Parsa attend Butchers without Borders in Saudi Arabia?

What motivates UK-based “healthcare entrepreneur”, ex-Goldman Sachs investment banker, Ali Parsa to attend the Butchers without Borders investment conference in Saudi Arabia?

The Saudi Sovereign Wealth fund, bought a stake in Babylon Health in August.

Yes, that’s right, Saudi Arabia are making money from the NHS, and no-one is saying a bad word about it.

Britain is truly open to all types of masochistic business.

The Neo-Liberal Guardian

Maybe Guardian news hound Rupert Neate is busy writing a book about the health benefits of wealth.

The Axios article referenced at the end of his piece was published last week and cited here:

Since then the event itself has started and a full line-up has been published.

For some reason the Guardian hasn’t mentioned that Babylon Health CEO Ali Parsa was at the conference yesterday:

In Brief

Babylon Health is defunding GPs practices, cherry picking younger patients, handing over confidential medical data to Google Health, operating with an inevitable significant error rate (machine learning isn’t perfect), taking Saudi Money, Google money, US health insurance (Centene) money, Swedish venture capitalist money which specialised in 1990’s Russian disaster capitalism (New Vostok Ventures), doing deals with surveillance capitalists Tencent in repressive China, and in Rwanda thanks to Tony Blair and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Dr Murphy

I can see why Ali Parsa is doing what he’s doing – for the money.

For more on NHS Privatisation the upcoming film, Great NHS Heist, is the one to watch:

Here is some good deprogramming re: Babyon BBC PR Shenanigans

The Circle Debacle

This is an Ali Parsa appearance in 2012 during his previous failed venture, with a Hospital:


The Big Society

Here is Ali Parsa on Health Care and the BIG SOCIETY:

National Radio

Here is Ali Parsa on BBC Today Programme, he isn’t introduced as having failed in his Circle venture, he is able to use his buzzwords.

When he makes claims none of them are questioned:


The UK information commissioner is woefully underfunded for protecting patients from data fraud, as is the case with fake news during elections.

This took place yesterday. Can you feel the tech firms and investment banks circling the UK as we speak?

More puff from Ali, this time at KPMG.

KPMG, the Big Four, and PFI

KPMG, PWC, Deloitte, Accenture are management accounting firms that are also known as the Big Four.

They offer more than just accounting services and, although they are referred to as mere Bean Counters, their work is often laden with conflicts of interest.

KPMG, over the years have been a big funder of the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) a New Labour-style Think Tank.

IPPR backed the part-privatisation of many of Britain’s hospitals in the 1990s and early 2000s. But the conflicts of interest in their promotion are now much clearer than they were then. The so-called left wing think tanks were funded by large private companies to push their privatising agenda.

Martin Taylor, former general secretary to the secretive Bilderberg Group, donates big. He was also a top Goldman Sachs, Barclays and WH Smith executive and is understood to have been a lead driver of PFI in this country.

IPPR has had a bit of a makeover in the last couple of years, since the 2017 election. Grace Blakeley, one of their economists, is on the TV a lot and Tom Kibasi, the soon to depart CEO, has become very close to the top of the Labour Party. But although Blakeley has written a book about Financialisation, I understand that she rarely takes on her former employers – like KPMG.

On the subject of PFI, IPPR now say that it was a disaster — conveniently forgetting their own role promoting it.

They say that the Government should bail out the hospitals by buying the debt and issuing (cheaper) government bonds to pay it off.

It goes without saying that the hospitals should have been funded using general taxation in the first place.

Apparently EU accounting rules forbade UK from running the type of deficits that such programmes would have required.

But the actual solution, going after the fraudsters that pushed PFI in the first place, doesn’t seem to get mentioned even in the Labour Party.

Why do you think that is? Maybe because IPPR have infiltrated Labour Party thinking and are doing the bidding of their friends, (some of) the fraudsters over at the City of London.

More on the NHS Privatisation from Dr Bob Gill, GP and producer of the Great NHS Heist.


This film was made in 2014


If we don’t have a proper media, the only way any good decision making will happen for this country is if we take back control of internal communication.

Lobbyists, Public Affairs and Public Relations execs will always be paid to serve the rich. But they need to be called out more frequently, if not they will carry on winning the war. The stakes are high. Please share this information, if you can.

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