Mummy, what’s a #BreitbartBrexit?

We in the middle of a #BreitbartBrexit:


David Davis is championing CETA+++ which means Britain copying the Canada-EU trade agreement — plus services.

The Alt-Right-ish Spectator updated us  yesterday:

According to Sun Columnist James Forsyth, the EU negotiator Michel Barnier has said the UK must accept either Norway or Canada style arrangements.

Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer wants UK to be Norway-style ‘rule takers’ except for free movement which will become ‘easy’ movement.

What is Easy Movement?

Emmanuel Macron’s wants to reform the rules around ‘posted workers’.

Did Starmer get his ideas from Macron?

Why aren’t these ideas being discussed here like in France?

Balanced reports on economic migration are sadly few and far between.

We generally only hear these topics mentioned by Nigel Farage on Question Time or in the tabloid press.


I stumbled across this exposé of Bannon  on the Spectator website.

It came out in October so things have moved on a bit since then.

This is his November New York Times interview.

Sadly no  mention of Buzzfeed’s October story that documented how Bannon courted the Nazi Alt-Right via Milo Yiannopolous,

Or his  soft spot for Italian Fascist Julius Evola:

Net Neutrality

If Bannon is so interested in helping the poor – what’s he saying about Net Neutrality?

Bannon  made big money from 90s hit TV show Seinfeld.  Who would have thought Seinfeld would be instrumental in funding the Alt-Right / Neo-Nazi revolution.

Maybe Bannon sees Net Neutrality as a way of destroying his Alt-Right competitors.


In StreamPunks, YouTube’s Chief Business Officer says middle aged white guys (like Bannon)  used to decide everything we saw on TV.

There is even a quote from the scene in Seinfeld where they try to pitch the show, which is about nothing,  to the head of NBC.

“Why am I watching it?” asks the studio exec.

“Because it’s on TV!” says George.

Bored with deciding what’s on our TVs, Bannon has taken it upon himself to decide who is in the White House.

His recent speech to Black Americans for a Better Future was a masterclass in rhetoric from a man whose Breitbart website is a favourite among neo-Nazi white nationalists.

This Buzzfeed piece  points out that Black Americans for a Better Future is mainly funded by wealthy white donors.

As pointed out in this blog, the Alt-Right’s favourite UK politician is Jacob Rees Mogg whose mission, like Bannon’s, is the Deconstruction of the Administrative State i.e. Deregulate Everything.

I wish I could round off with something comforting you can do to stop this madness. Suddenly fascism is fashionable.


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