Team Boris was Paedo PR, Macron Hypocrisy

The one where "Boris" gets all Vichy-like on your ass.

Yannick Jadot reckons he’s in with a shot for the Presidential Elections come 2022.

Will it be a run-off between him and Macron or will Marine Le Pen make it through to the deuxieme tour?

Either way, he is on form in this video in which he accuses President Macron of ignoring the fact that France is engaging in deforestation in Guyana, Malaysia and Indonesia while also importing Palm Oil in violation of EU law.

This is the type of platform that is simply not made available to UK Green or “Left wing” politicians.

BBC would not dream of allowing criticism of the Conservative Party.

When Laura Kuenssberg was accused of bias against the Labour Party, the complaint was rejected by her direct superior, hard Brexiteer Robbie Gibb, who then went on to become Theresa May’s head of communications.

Before, during and after Robbie Gibb’s time with Theresa May his brother, Nick Gibb, was Schools Minister.

Are there not supposed to be rules against this sort of thing?

As for the Greens in England, just a few weeks ago, Caroline Lucas proposed an all white all female cabinet as a solution to Brexit.

Upfront identity politics!

For the link between Environmentalism and Conservatism one doesn’t have to travel very far.

This piece came out recently on New York Times:

One can only speculate as to whether Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley Kemal-Johnson, crossed paths with Mrs Cordelia Scaife May when he worked on population at the World Bank in New York.

That other famous philanthropist David Koch died last week. He who made his money from oil from land he and his family stole from indigenous Indians.

The Kochs have funded the resurgence in Tea Party-style “nativist” US and UK Conservatism and it is to them that Boris Johnson owes much of his popularity.

“Boris”, real name, Alexander Kemal, (his grandfather (Stanley’s dad) was born Osman Wilfred Kemal), has hired plenty of think tankers on his various press teams and many of them will have been funded, albeit indirectly, by the Kochs.

Brendan O Neil of Spiked admits to receiving Koch money and, the contrarian that he is, permanently puts out odes to white nationalists, asset strippers and forest clearing land grabbers (pussy grabbers too).

Meanwhile we have Brendan’s sister in crypto-fascist arms Carrie Symonds (Boris’s latest squeeze) selling herself as an Oceans protector and protector of birds & women’s rights (surely you mean Ghislaine Maxwell).

Lovely Plumage

I missed the Camel fair in Pushkar when I visited India many years ago. Not sure what the difference is between a Camel Fair, a Birdfair, Jeffrey Epstein’s house or a Libyan Slave Auction for that matter.

“Boris” trades off the idea that one of his ancestors manumitted his beautiful slave girl so he could marry her. And we all know Boris is a stickler for tradition.

“Johnson” visited Standard and Independent owner Evgeny Lebedev’s castle unaccompanied when he was Foreign Minister in 2018.

He’s not answering any questions about it. So he could well have fucked a goat and drank the blood a newly defiled child at the altar of Koch / Saud / Kushner for all we know.

Yes there are supposed to be rules about this stuff, but if the press are in your pocket…

“Johnson”‘s dad Stanley wrote a book recently called Kompromat.

And in Naked Gun 2 & a half Lt. Leslie Nielsen aka Frank Drebin says, of the boxing, “All I know is never bet on the white guy”.

Similarly, “Never argue with a man who buys his ink by the barrel.”

Still, in 2008, when he wasn’t yet London Mayor, “Boris” Kemal was interviewed by Michael Wolff for Vanity Fair.

Wolff went on to write Fire and Fury, the book that got Steve Bannon ejected from the White House.

In the article, entitled The Boris Show, Johnson muses on the probability that he himself (with investors) would run and own the Spectator Magazine (which he edited at the time).

Smelling a rat, he then accuses Wolff of only interviewing him so he could size him up on behalf of Vanity Fair’s Condé Nast owners so that they themselves could then put in a bid.

Turning on the charm, Johnson goes on to say, of any potential foreign billionaire owner:

I heard about this quote in recently deceased Heathcote Williams’ 2016 book Brexit Boris: From Mayor to Nightmare.

The G7 Biarritz meeting is the perfect example of Boris at his most Vichy-like.

Half the UK seems to think that because “Boris” is white and has been to Eton that “Johnson”-Kemal is not capable of the most Vichy-like treachery.

How ironic that Biarritz is in southern France:

Boris Johnson’s name is as much Boris Johnson as Stephen Yaxley Lennon is Tommy Robinson.

These people pick show biz masks and masquerade as Super Patriots, based on their fake names.

At least Priti Patel, Sajid Javid and Dominic Raab have kept their names!

But on that topic, and speaking as a first generation immigrant (my parents are from Northern Sri Lanka) I find it interesting that Javid, Patel, Raab and Johnson are first second and third generation immigrants.

And, despite their lip service to tradition, the Royal Family, and Winston Churchill, they regard most Brits as fundamentally workshy.

And they have no qualms about reinforcing Nazi-like eugenic values in the UK welfare and employment structures.

Who would have thought such evil psychopathy could be served up by this dream team of Muslims, Jews and Hindus?


Machiavellian Political Correctness was the key to backdoor asset strip, and set fire to regulation, meaning human rights.

And all the while Boris’s Girlfriend Carrie Symonds pretends to care about women.

Let them eat cake. Not tonight, Josephine.

Because Boris is too busy packing kiddy fudge in the dungeon of a castle with his secretary for pensions, welfare and the disabled, Amber Rudd.

But seriously, speaking of Boris and Paedophilia, there is a link.

He told Conservative radio host Nick Ferrari that money spent investigating historic child sex abuse was £60m “spaffed” up a wall.

It turns out that Craig Dillon, who runs Westminster Digital, his social media adviser, has the contract to promote Cliff Richard, and the convicted sadistic evil incarnate paedo Harvey Proctor.

Here’s Harriet Harman, herself compromised on the topic of paedophilia.

She ran Liberty when it was called NCCL (National Council for Civil Liberties).

Her Uncle, Lord Longford, wrote a report on pornography and went on a tour of Scandinavia with Jimmy Savile and Cliff Richard in the 70s. Though Harman is asked about Cliff Richard in the interview, which has now been suppressed by the BBC, no mention is made of her Parliamentarian Uncle’s links with paedophiles and murderers, Cliff Richard, or of her own connections with the Paedophile Information Exchange:

All this grooming going on, and so much protection for perpetrators.

Proctor worked for the Duke of Rutland in 2015 when he was raided by the police looking for evidence of paedophilia.

Here’s Rutland trying to help Proctor get a payout from the Met:

Proctor is campaigning for anonymity for the accused but in reality he is campaigning for compensation. He was the one who not only voluntarily ended his own anonymity, he named other co-accused into the bargain.

Those who were innocent have Proctor to blame for the public undermining of their reputations!

The understanding is that Proctor is into beating rent boys in school uniform. Newspapers ran stories on this and he’s paid fines for it in the UK and has been spotted with young rent boys in Morocco.

None of the recent news reports on Proctor mention any of this stuff.

The Duke of Rutland for who he worked is in Jeffrey Epstein’s address book. Several times. There is a connection between Rutland and Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s main procurer and daughter of disgraced publisher and fraudster Robert Maxwell aka the Bouncing Czech.

Maxwell and Epstein are both rumoured to be Israeli intelligence assets.

Proctor appears to think he can do a Boothby:

The Lord & Gangster, (& Rent Boy Cat Burglar)

Lord Boothby (a Tory) was a friend of Churchill’s and the Krays. He was an alcoholic, a gambler and into rent boys. When the Mirror (before Maxwell bought it) published a story about the above photo (without printing it), the then PM Harold Wilson had the story shut down because one of his own MPs Tom Driberg moved in the same circle and Wilson feared blowback (excuse the pun) if Driberg’s name got mentioned.

There was an election coming up and the Profumo affair had already given the press and public a bit of an appetite for scalps and scandals.

So Boothby sued the Mirror and won £40k. More than £500k in today’s money.

Looks like the vile paedo Proctor is doing the same. Wanting to sue the police for calling a paedo a paedo.

But not to worry, Priti Patel and Boris Johnson are trying to ram through facial recognition, GM food, and tasers to all police as if everyone consents and no-one notices.

This is a golden age for propaganda. The BBC is an utterly out of control fascist corporatist machine. It is conducting psy-ops via iPlayer on a gargantuan scale. It has learned much from Savile.


I am trying to get them to hand over the Future of Farming GM reports that they did on Breakfast tv last week.

You would think I was Julian Assange angling for a Royal Family Incest tape featuring Charles, Andrew, Mountbatten and one of the gardeners.

The GM issue is live and they won’t permit debate.

On Saturday they were getting everyone ready for all Police to have Tasers. Don’t they realise that proper criminals will get tasers too?

I emailed the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) about the FBI allegations that Lord Mountbatten (ex Viceroy of India, Prince Phillip’s uncle, mentor to Charles, member of the Lords and former head of UK Armed Forces) was a paedophile who visited the Northern Irish children’s home Kincora for sex with young boys.

They refused to commit.

I asked them about BBC reports that paedophiles operate with impunity right now because of staff shortages on the Forensics side at Sexual Assault Referral Centres.

They refused to commit.

I asked about Epstein related paedophila.

They refused to commit.

Boris is getting what he wants. Paedophiles operate with impunity and privatisation marches on. The Amazon forest burns, he gaslights with his Tory PR bit of stuff and very soon will have successfully lobbied for Evening Standard Editor and former Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, to be named head of the IMF (with Donald Trump’s help).

Bolsonaro, Netanyahu and Johnson are all friends with Trump.

This country has been subjected to a full on Nazi Coup.

Boris is being openly Vichy-like with no-one better to serve up the medicine that Priti Patel and Sajid Javid.

Good luck, UK.

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