Traitor May tells Trump to Back EU while claiming to extricate Britain from the EU. At the same time Murdoch turns Farage into EU migrant.



In November 2015 Theresa May was being lined up to lead the Out campaign.

Nigel Farage said he’d have been delighted had she accepted.

What side are you on?

But then she backed Remain. In the speech she gave to defend continuing with EU membership she said it was better for security for the UK to stay in.

If it is the case that she is knowingly undermining the safety of the British public then surely she should be tried for treason.

Bradley / Chelsea Manning was lucky to have had his / her sentence commuted by Barack Obama last week. Could Theresa May be closer than any other PM in the history of Parliament to being hanged, gassed, or made to sit in an electric chair?

Brexit Mayden

She’s since become PM and launched semantic warfare on the British public by using inane soundbytes ranging from “Brexit means Brexit” through to “Red, White & Blue Brexit”.

There have been various other versions including clean, hard, fast, slow, smooth, and soft Brexit with messy and technicolor on the side.

Theresa Maybe

Either way, the Economist strongly implied she’s a ditherer when they referred to her as Theresa Maybe

Financial Eyes would place Mrs May’s approach somewhere between that of Goldilocks ( someone’s been eating my Brexit ) and of The Emperor’s New Clothes ( too much thigh and not enough sleeve).


Having finally declared Britain is definitely exiting the Single Market, the PM has told the Financial Times that she’ll meet Donald Trump this Friday and sing the praises of the EU.

A few weeks ago Financial Eyes caught up with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell for Real Media and asked for his views on the government’s approach to Brexit:

The full forty minute video can be found here:

We all know all that Theresa has been dreaming of a White Brexit.

Speaking of which, the PM’s real boss, puppet master Rupert Murdoch, is now paying Mr Brexit, Nigel Farage to migrate to USA and … demonise migrants!

This hasn’t gone completely unnoticed:

Farage himself reckons this is just the start of a Global Revolution.

Winners & Losers

Given that populism, anti-globalisation, autonomy, independence and revolution were so frequently invoked during both the Brexit vote and the US election, it is very telling that the new rulers are all from the very minority that benefited the most from globalisation in the first place.

Will they govern as benign dictators or will they do everything they can to make life as hard as they possibly can for everyday Brits and Americans in a way that the European Union, European Central Bank (ECB), Hillary Clinton, and the Federal Reserve would never have dreamed of?

Asset Strippers Carry Out 2 Coup d’états

It’s rarely mentioned that Nigel Farage’s first job after leaving school was for criminal US junk bond outfit Drexel Burnham. This is mentioned in the comments section of this rather revelatory article.

Looks like UK is in line to be asset stripped at a rather more rapid rate than usual with Nigel Farage leading the charge.

Interesting times

Should be quite an interesting week this week with the UK Supreme Court ruling on whether Parliament be allowed a say over Brexit followed by Mrs May’s trip to Trump.

Whatever will they talk about?

Tax Haven & Trade Deals

Chancellor Phillip Hammond has spoken about cutting UK corporation tax to minimal levels and Brexiteers are talking up the US – UK trade deal.


Hammond himself has become personally wealthy doing business with the NHS. An investigator told Financial Eyes that Hammond was also involved with super scammers Enron.

Just as Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt set up a business called Hot Courses of which his half is being sold at the moment, reputedly for £15m, his aunt Virginia Bottomley also a former Health Secretary is said to have had a high ranking position at the British Council at a time when they were his biggest client.


Reduced tax income will defund the National Health Service (NHS) and any trade deal with the US will let health insurance firm United Health get an even deeper hold over the UK health sector than it already has.

Pharma and Genetically Engineered Food

Pharmaceutical and Food Regulation will of course be liberalised to allow cheap genetically engineered american meat into US supermarkets as well as profitable drugs with several dodgy side effects.

America First

As so little of what Trump says turns out to be true and his America First policy will involve cutting back on so much trade with other countries, it looks like his friend Nigel Farage may end up being called in to help flog the remainder of GB Plc.

Game Over

With Sterling at relatively low levels, cheap firms are ripe to have their assets stripped.

Special Relationship

This from Tax Campaigner Richard Murphy:


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