The latest podcast from Private Eye
I do find this podcast annoying – it’s far too cosy for me and accepting of the very things it claims to be against.
Private Eye should be renamed Status Quo to remind everyone that that’s what it primarily perpetuates and harks after.
The info that the people at the Eye possess should be used to bring down the government and be the cause of permanent Ministerial angst – but corruption is only ever mentioned in passing without ever really being fully confronted.
I’ve had some contact with them in the past – some are likeable and do good work, but it’s an establishment newspaper and not an anti-establishment anything – and possibly even whiter in every way than the Telegraph and the Sun.
An example of the Eye’s inhumanity:
In the Eye’s defence, there’s no watchdog that didn’t eventually get fully co-opted, and Private Eye has been around for over 60 years.
Thus it was inevitable that UK establishmentarianism would end up dripping off every page!
Flick through old copies and you can see a good deal of racism, imperialism and conservatism.
Who, indeed, were its biggest enemies?
Anti-establishment oligarchs who needed taking down a peg or two?
Anyone who stepped out of line?
Or deludedly got above their station?
For your fortnightly dose of hubris, schadenfreude and titillation you know where to go.
It’s certainly better than anything else that the MSM put out – but without the 24 hour rolling news power or reach of the Murdoch or the BBC.
Private Eye could have taken on the establishment if it wanted but it is the establishment so instead has stayed alive by lobbing pebbles from within.
Which is no more than you’d expect from your Head Boy’s or Head Girl’s bulletin.
From the little I’ve heard of the latest podcast, the section on our collapsed legal system isn’t anywhere near as harrowing as it could be.
The Eye contributors still sound as smug as a set of solicitors – sounding off here and there but, crucially, never biting the hand that feeds them.
Everyone knows Trump is going to win
Will the tech and media firms swing it to Harris despite her not being able to inspire voters?
How would they do that?
By ridiculing Trump even more than they already do?
He’s the oldest candidate ever – but he’s also the only man that can keep the MAGA show on the road.
Apparently he’s more erratic than ever but Kamala’s doing such an uninspiring job that he’s always going to get votes.
We all know that she’ll be a nightmare too.
It’s her unquestioning war machine corporatism that makes her the biggest liability.
Trump’s a corporatist too but he’s so openly corrupt that people have a soft spot for him.
What would the people over at Les Guignols have made of Trump? Actually they were in business when he became President, weren’t they? But did Macron have them shut down?
(mental note – look for Les Guignols Donald Trump)
In 2002 during the presidential election they referred to their incumbent head of state and eventual winner Jacques Chirac as Supermenteur, which means Super Liar.
But the French embraced Chirac’s corruption and voted for him. Never underestimate the suicidal irrationality of the adult decision maker.
Back to the Future
Personally it’s Trump’s Israel stance I find so tasteless – all that sucking up to Netanyahu, who is a family friend of Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner – The Donald’s not there by accident.
These people primarily deal in kompromat.
Here’s Jared calmly talking about making money post genocide on stolen land
Speaking of Oligarchs

That’s enough for now – it’s good to be back 🙏🏿