Thank you for being late
There’s a certain point at which people realise who they are.
No longer chasing things they suddenly recognise to be futile.
Is that because many of us often actually believe that everything is possible, and then suddenly wake up from the dream?
Maybe, but many of us continue to dream
They will not be taken away from us
Cognitive Consumerism
And now the consumer society allows us to create images simply by speaking to a machine
Images which depict some of our innermost fantasies
Is this the Maya, the illusion?
As a good Hindu I think I am going to have have to say yes, it is.

But I have, of course, been marking my own homework, so I would say that, wouldn’t I?
Life is just a series of bumping into other people bumping into you.
There is no such thing as as the self, only your reaction to other people’s reaction to you
And other such truisms.
Ad infinitum, etc…

I remember once getting some really nice but very expensive Hawaiian coffee and then wanting to get something cheaper but similar but not knowing my way around the coffee offer, ie i lacked the vocabulary to describe what I’d drank, so I asked some people at the coffee shop to describe Hawaiian coffee, and then I asked if they had anything else that fitted that description.
I was given Panamanian at a quarter of the price, which was so good I’ve had to force myself to stop drinking it.
The same applies to prompt engineering for imagery
I asked chat GPT to describe one of my favourite artists.
And then I asked chat GPT to produce images which I described in the same terms that chat GPT used to describe my favourite artists

So there you have it.