Reminder: Financial Transparency Campaigners Have Been Quietly Recovering Stolen Assets from UK Banks

Bank Confidential specialise in recovering stolen assets - from banks

UK banks are still out of control – of course they are – nobody with any meaningful authority has ever told them to do anything but loot.

We have a bankster PM in Rishi Sunak and a smaller scale friend of banksters in the shape of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt. 

Not forgetting the six months of Sajid Javid’s Chancellorship in late 2019 – he too is a former high level bankster.

So the neo-liberal anti-keynesian counter insurgency bagged the top jobs in the country and under COVID launched massive Keynesian spending programmes which mainly benefitted the already obscenely wealthy.

Think back what the UK was like in June or July 2019, shortly before all of this, as Boris Johnson was on his way into Downing Street and behind the scenes certain financial transparency campaigners thought they were actually making some progress.

Andrew Bailey was still only the head of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)…

Bank Confidential

It’s been nearly 5 years since I recorded this conversation with Mark Wright and Steve Middleton of Bank Confidential.

When I looked this morning it has had only 37 views since being uploaded to YouTube three years ago.

Maybe I should have put more effort into promoting it.

Either way, I’m glad we made the recording and I hope to make another with Steve and Mark one day.

The kinds of problems they are talking about haven’t gone away. They’re still here.

Gangsters run the country and if they think they can make money out of you, they probably will, or already have.

Here’s another more recent video of Steve

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