Social Cleansing Silicon Valley Style

Today’s FT has an excellent piece on Social Cleansing in Silicon Valley.

It made me think of Jamie Bartlett‘s BBC Show, The Secrets of Silicon Valley.

I’ve only seen episode one in which Bartlett interviews the young head of Y Combinator — a Silicon Valley venture capital company.

The conversation quickly moves from automation and disruption to universal basic income.

Old school socialists believe in economies that produce jobs.

This puts them at odds with Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs.

But a read of the today’s FT’s Silicon Valley social cleansing report shows how little of its Dublin cash pile or attention span Apple spends on cleaning its footprint.

Forget the filter bubble, the FANGS are only after your blood and your eyeballs so you can share your status and press like while they geographically displace you on a basic income ready for your new role as fresh faced contributor to the Organ Trafficking Market.

Meanwhile the Vampire Squid gets ready for its ‘alumnus’ Gary Cohn’s imminent contribution to Public Service as the likely next head of the Fed where he will run interest rates and QE so as to take getting high off your own supply Zombie Economics to a whole new level.

Have financial cannibalism, nepotism, necrophilia & incest become so normalised that we barely register – let alone resist?

Do Boiling Frogs dream of Red Tape?

Meanwhile Amazon and Whole Foods are slashing food prices in the organic food space while Google team up with Wal Mart.

So now the unemployed can eat organic food with their Basic Income. Of course.

I don’t mean to sound alarmist or anything but in the history of financial and non-financial regulation, has any institution existed that has been able to stand up to these all-powerful conglomerates and actually create anything that remotely protects human beings and the planet from the self destructive logic of pure financialisation?

Would the Kurdish resistance movement in Syria (currently US backed) count?

They’re fighting ISIS who also seem to be US-backed so I see some problems with this simplistic analogy – but good effort.

The UN and the EU seem to be far too captured to put anything forward that will question the logic or values of the Transnational, US and Corporate lobby.

The EU illegal state-aid case against the Apple and Ireland arrangement that allows Apple to avoid paying any tax anywhere is going nowhere.

And all the media is bought up by very stock market players they are supposed to be reporting on.

Bezos bought the Washington Post and Mrs Jobs just bought the Atlantic.

If it’s Breitbart Vs the New York Times, Economist & FT then we will never find a solution.

Bannon isn’t anti-tech. He’s just pro-White People dominating global politics and Economics.

How different is that to the people at Facebook, Apple, Amazon and even Google and Microsoft (the last two firms are run by Indians)?

Hillary was supposed to be the Shareholder / Wall Street candidate.

But Trump is about to appoint a Goldman banker to run the Fed, so what difference does it make?

(Spaking of California, in the UK we seem destined for our very own Snoop Moggy Mogg)

It looks like the Vampire Squid has launched a counter-coup within the White House.

May I suggest revisiting Matt Taibbi’s permanently relevant Great American Bubble Machine.

The existence of tools such as language and numbers ultimately haven’t been used to liberate us from this wanton destruction.

I wonder why.

Perhaps this is how it is all supposed to be – we ought know our place and only ever articulate the unchanging desire to continue conspiring to keep everything moving on its current path..

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