As if the response to COVID didn’t make it plainly obvious, there’s still a depopulation agenda at play.

Former Tory MP Matthew Parris – who freely associated with and defended former paedophile suspect Harvey Proctor, an Enoch Powell acolyte – is once again pushing the Euthanasia, Depopulation, & Eugenics agenda.

He’s certainly not on his own – but as a Times columnist – he does more than most to shape public opinion.
He opens with the following:

After some underhand comments about religion and pacificism Parris tackles what he sees as the anti-Eugenicists’ best argument.
He says he’s perfectly ok with peoples’ lives being ended early as we can’t afford to be keeping people alive once they have become too sick or old.
If politics is about changing minds to achieve popular consensus, then this paywalled article is there to do just that.
The problem is that it doesn’t.
Check out the replies in yesterday’s letters.

FT columnist Baroness Cavendish made climate related Eugenics arguments 5 years ago. She had a book out about aging at the time. She was David Cameron’s advisor when he was PM and has advised the Department of Health.

Assisted dying in Scotland is already a thing.

A&E waiting times are a form of assisted dying, albeit for different reasons.

Some people are compensated when their cancer isn’t picked up.

Meanwhile the Tories plan to avoid doing a deal with Nigel Farage … by doing a deal with Nigel Farage