Times: Housebuilding on Greenbelt signals a return to post war tactics

The Devolution agenda: Outsource the cuts. Outsource the liability for the much needed infrastructure spend.

Overrule councils if they dont do as they’re told. Otherwise give them full freedom. Freedom to get into debt. To sign LOBOs and PFI deals.

And interest rate hedging products. Embedded derivatives. Swaps. Bermudans. Callable. Floating Rate Notes. Inverse Floaters.

Linked to LIBOR. Is there something we’re not being told?

At the end of this article, The Times claims the government is turning to Post War tactics to ease the housing crisis and hit its construction target.

The housing minister in 1945 was Nye Bevan, who built the NHS.

Will the Times now nostalgically call for the ejection of private companies and re-nationalisation of the NHS — as a return to post war tactics?

Hmm. All these contradictions. So much engineered confusion. How do we even manage to get out of bed in the morning?

Will Corbyn and McDonnell get treated with respect if they frame their NHS reforms as a return to post war tactics and not as an attack on the City of London?

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