Tory Education Cuts

Now that we are living through an age of automation and underemployment, technical skills should be our passport to competing on the post-Brexit world stage.

Tories hell-bent on Education Apartheid

But Tories are up-front about being the anti-immigration austerity party.

Selective Grammar Schools and pricy uni fees reflect a backward Tory deskilling agenda which maximises inequality and cuts UK competitiveness.

Even the PM’s former colleague George Osborne’s  Standard reported last week that quite a few Tories are upset that the PM remains stubborn about cutting funding to schools.

Given the context Labour’s policy to increase education spending and cut university fees sounds like the most sensible option if we are to remain a serious competitive economy.

Channel Four report on Education Cuts

Historic Tory Education Policy

Rhodes Boyson was a Tory MP who switched from the Labour Party because he objected to Labour’s education policies.


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