Everyday Racial Harassment
Around at 3pm yesterday at Tottenham Court Road station I saw some policemen and women harassing three non white men.
They didn’t arrest them, but they searched them and spoke to them like criminals.
I was just passing through and asked why this was happening – I was told it’s Project Servator – seemingly to crack down on suspicious behaviour.
I didn’t think it was a great time to discuss the criteria for “suspicious behaviour” – but the white cops didn’t look like they were going to stop any white people yesterday to me.

When I made it to the tube I was greeted with this imperial war museum poster.

Given that Project Servator is the MoD Police looking for “suspicious” people or behaviour, it was apt to see a poster about War and the Mind.
If only the cops at Tottenham Court Road could stretch their minds to stopping and solving crime and not just harassing people instead. We live in hope.
Public Opinion
Walter Lippmann’s Public Opinion starts with a reference to how when World War 1 or 2 started there were people from different countries who lived on remote islands that took two weeks to find out the war had started. During those two weeks they were all perfectly civil to each other. And then when they found out they were at war they restructured their loyalty and animosity along their respective imperial lines. War, behaviour, and the mind. What we take for granted and how we get told to “be”.
Got my mind on my Monet and my Monet on my Mind
Here’s a snap of the Monet Thames exhibition at the Courtauld. It really was something else. The book that accompanies the exhibition makes the point that Monet had lung problems that would have been exacerbated by the London pollution that he so loved painting while it mixed with the fog. One of his patrons was the Hunter family who had a coal plant. How funny that he sold his paintings to the people whose pollution he may have painted – pollution which may have actually made him ill. A cycle of dependence. The beauty of genocidal progress. That lifted some people out of poverty even as it simultaneously killed them and empoverished them. The pendulum swings. A spectrum of spectra. The exhibition was sponsored by billionaire gambling queen Denise Coates ( & HMRC ).

genicode makes me nervous

You have to hand it to the transhumanists at Wellcome Trust – they’re not just spreading dodgy vaccines – they’re now providing commentary on the state of shadow banking.

Pro-WEF, vaccine, and pharma shills a.k.a. the FT seem to have it in for Trump…

Quiet story about shadow gold markets and mining – very little efforts goes into publicly exposing illegality in global supply chains – the slavery word gets used from time to time – but there’s little clean up

What a coincidence Biden let Israeli genocide go on till almost his last day in office. We know it will continue regardless. Despite the return of the people Zionist call: “the hostages”.

The Tories were obsessed with using regulators to push for growth instead of protecting consumers.

Will the majority of judges soon be anonymous soon?

Politically Correct Constructors

Tulip is welcome back despite resigning in corruption scandal 🤦🏿♂️ do they think we are stupid?