Ursula Von der Leyen’s gender balanced pro-war pro-austerity European Commission

Sajid (or Dom’s) splurge, Archbishop of Canterbury’s flip, & more

Taken from Bloomberg Brussels

Project Pangloss

Even the Archbishop of Canterbury is signing up to “feed the five thousand” magical thinking Brexit #leapoffaith.

Far right Tory Andrew Bridgen castigated the Archbishop for wanting to call citizens assemblies to sort out Brexit.

But I think former oil exec turned man of the cloth Justin Welby just wanted to steal a bit of Boris and Greta’s thunder.

How many kids has he buggered and killed in person and via proxy?

Ian from Canberra suggests the figure could be as low as 42.

Daily Mail promoting the idea that only foreigners get perks in prison.

I should that say pokes?

But this was banned as it affected UK competition law (Enough of that).

Paxo blissfully unaware of the media and especially Newsnight’s role in all this.

Gove: A million to one chance things will go wrong

From Startup to Stasi

Brit to run human rights violating too big to jail Pharma firm

Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Check out Clive’s case. It’s shocking!

Sajid’s Splurge

Fleece the customer for shareholder value!

Don’t vote, it encourages them

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