Dr Sarah Wollaston — the woman who backed TTIP & BREXIT

Wollaston U TurnDouble U-Turn

Sarah Wollaston, chair of the Health Select Committee, joined the Brexit camp for a few weeks and then left it a few days before the Sun came out for Brexit. 

The government had previously relied on her statements in favour of TTIP in January 2015 before she then U-turned in favour of Brexit.

No newspaper mentioned her U-turn on TTIP at the time. One political journalist told me he remembered the pathetic Demarty assurance she received from the European Commission on how TTIP would not affect the NHS.

Political Pirouette

Wollaston has now performed a perfect political pirouette and gone back to Remain.

Like a blend of Clare Short leaving the Blair administration only after the Iraq War had been declared, and Iain Duncan Smith leaving the government after destroying so many lives through austerity,  Wollaston has jumped ship, on both occasions, after doing the British people much more harm than good.

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