Monsieur Macron sweet talking his way to the Moon

a wonderful radio play about the role of technology in public and our private lives

The War on Privacy & Cash - ie Surveillance Capitalism

Amusing Ourselves to Death The thing about UK politics in the latter stages of 2022 is that hardly anyone pays it any mind. And why would they? There’s a World Cup on and only so much information the nation can…
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organ markets included

Curated by artist Alex Fox, the show Telling Tales at Lea Bridge Library’s Pavillion, brings together eleven artists across different disciplines, all who have been inspired by folklore and story telling.

Countable and uncountable accountability flex - the structuring of unstructured in-form-a-tion

better a black loin cloth than nothing at all

the pendulum of electability swings like a broken clock

Start of a new season - let's continue where we left off..

The Tories can arrange for the TV spectacle to push the Right Wing Agenda

Carbon Monoxide poisoning risk downplayed by airlines, courts, & media

No Fighting in the War Room

The Coverup is worse than the Crime

Tories to consider changing rules to oust Boris Kemal

It’s hard to know exactly what prompts the placement of any particular story in the news cycle. Take today’s Times. Evgeny Lebedev’s photo appears and we’re told that he’s only popped into the Lords twice in the last couple of…
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So Sir Keir & his fellow paedo lawyers can stop Britain being roused from its diet of 100% 24/7 360° surveillance & programme of subliminal military financialised pavlovian operant conditioning

There’s nothing wrong with putting these photos next to each other. We live in a supposedly free society in which one ought to be able to express oneself freely on any subject. Juxtaposing white UK police taking the knee in…
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Police U-Turn on Driving while Black
On the radio this morning I heard the BBC presenters talk about Government recommendations to set up a regulator to oversee professional football. The idea is that the game has become too commercial and the owners not of sound character.…
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The Rwanda style refugee policy will be rolled out by EU countries before we know it

the cover up of the Valproate scandal deserves scrutiny

Client Journalism as a Service, Lord Lebedev drops Russian Federation from his title

Serendipitous observation of latent connection

The system is broken and will never be fixed. Unsurprisingly the criminal investigation into how the Sun got the Hancock footage has been dropped.

Dipping in with the denizens of the deep

Snapshots of the floating detritus we're holding temporarily hostage in our cognitive stream

PM trans U-Turn ahead of local polls

The Times blames columnist James Forsyth's best man Rishi Sunak as inflation surges & living standards plummet

Where are the messages between Johnson, Lebedev, and Murdoch?

How wrangling over small print caused the Ukraine Russia war, and Farage did business with Russia in Brussels via Malta

is Russell brand a pro Lebedev gatekeeper?

UK sovereignty wanting as Supreme Court bends over

if peaceful protest always worked it would be completely banned

if peaceful protest always worked it would be completely banned

How deep did Lebedev's relationship with Johnson go?

Pavlovian Political Projection

From paedo defender to public prosecutor and Controlled Opposition

the trafficking of children, and laundering of money and reputation has long been the norm

the surreal political theatre of the everyday

the drama of dancing with diagonalisation at dawn

The latest news, and Richard Brooks of Private Eye presented at a local college

The Running Battles we fight with Small print the Bigger Picture, the Left and Right Brain

How witch hunts acted as a driver for hatred and established the roots of modern misanthrocapitalism

Uncle Sam can't kill more US soldiers for the President's son

Etherum founder focuses on improving systems capacity for the next wave of interest

Apple update lets you unlock your iPhone without taking your mask off but...

Facebook illegally track and profile users, sell data, and pay off prosecutors

The Rise and Rise of Former UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg

bitcoin just warming the bed for central bank digital currencies