Trump called for innocent Central Park 5 to be executed / Telegram’s Paul Durov’s arrest

From the Web
382 views 46 secs

Trump called for innocent men to be killed – but defended Mike Tyson – Bill Browder on Telegram Paul Durov’s founder arrest


Like RFK Jnr Former Democratic Candidate Tulsi Gabbard Backs Trump

Call the Cops
347 views 3 mins

People we’ve heard of go on journeys – but they always seem to end up supporting Middle East MIlitarism


Centrists Rig the Game

Financial Eyes
253 views 21 secs

Labour rank and file will never be allowed to choose its leader


Private PIE

Openly Indifferent
250 views 51 secs

Private Eye did a podcast on UK Establishment paedophilia back in March 2020. No mention of Kincora or Lord Mountbatten. They suggest that rumours about Leon Brittan were started by the Security Services. There was a time when Private Eye would expose UK establishment paedophilia – even while it was infiltrated by the very type […]


FT points the Finger

Financial Eyes
454 views 2 mins

But the comments give it away


Nameless & Friendless (sale or return)

Bits and Bobs
443 views 6 mins

nameless, friendless, voiceless soulless, classic art reproduced by chat GPT


Ex FT Tory Think Tanker pushing National Service

From the Web
610 views 3 mins

Sebastian Always Wrong Payne has graced our screens once again – this time with more lies and misdirection


Ezra Pound meets Jimi Hendrix

Collocation and Correlation
289 views 6 mins

a segregationist muses on the Star spangled banner