The Boris Johnson Phenomenon: Kiddy Fudge Pack Special

The BBC portray Oliver Letwin as a ‘Tory Rebel’ simply because he says he opposes a No Deal Brexit. The BBC propaganda machine struggles with nuance. Sir Oliver is an Etonian, just like Kwasi Kwarteng, Rees Mogg, Jo, & Boris…
You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. That must be what audience members thought when they listened to the amazing sound of the last castrato, Alessandro Moreschi. Britain was castrated by the European Union which emasculated it and…
I love this from El Pais comments – can you guess what it means? SPUTNIK REPORT THE STORY FIRST (IN ENGLISH) Meanwhile the Swedes are about to decide ICE CUBE – EXTRADITION 2 OF AMERIKAZ MOST WANTED
Do we feel climate change or 5G is more of a thing? & what steps can we take to mitigate? In the attention war, in which meaningless as well as meaningful nuance, gets freely deployed, all options are always…
Julian Assange was arrested at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London this morning. WATCH: Moment Julian Assange is CARRIED out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. — RT UK (@RTUKnews) April 11, 2019 He is being charged with not attending…
The Radical Centre Radix, which has a piece in today’s City AM, is a radical centre think tank. But what does the radical centre stand for? A glance at the Radix website tells me Market Fundamentalism – but not soft…
Media Democracy Tackling big tech and democratizing journalism were the main topics I took from this year’s Media Democracy Festival in London this Saturday. These things are planned long in advance so I shouldn’t expect people who have been preparing…
Conspiracy The BBC, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), & Financial Conduct Authority have conspired to criminally defraud, bankrupt and asset strip thousands of small businesses throughout the UK. New film Spank the Banker shows that other banks, including state-owned Lloyd’s,…
Although it is a term with which many of us are now familiar, The Public Interest, was, once upon a time, much contested. But, at this point, a few hundreds later, some of the settlements that were arrived at during…
A broken clock is right at least twice a day It’s no secret that the Morning Star swings to the left. And one shouldn’t belittle its fantastic work highlighting underrepresented points of view. But it’s quite remarkable when the newspaper…
US Social Commentator HL Mencken once said “No-one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American People”. What in the UK would be classed as a hate crime, turned out to be one of Trump’s greatest performances. Today’s mass…
Behaviouralist Bants So I thought Skinner was the bad guy. The really mechanistic one. Or was it Watson? Who said we are basically all the same and that our feelings and personal stories don’t really matter. That there is no…
Friday’s American Banker highlights extortionate interest rates charged by 20 non-bank lenders in California. I wonder who these firms are. The American Banker says they are non-banks. Licensed to lend but basically unregulated. Steering broke citizens toward high interest loans.…
In August 1869 The Daily News published a story about disputed elections in Norwich, in which Sir Henry Stracey, the Conservative candidate, had resorted to a number of notable techniques — such as getting voters sloshed. The extract below sheds light…
Whistleblowers At the Byline Festival this Friday I will be chairing a panel entitled – Whistleblowing: A Practical Guide. The panellists will be: Eileen Chubb, of Compassion in Care. Eileen used to be a carer and she called out neglect…
The Cambridge Apostles The élite intellectual secret society, The Cambridge Apostles, was originally titled Cambridge Conversazione Society It was set up in 1820 and counts John Maynard Keynes and Victor Rothschild amongst its former members. Keynes, who is credited with…
Sharon White, head of the BBC’s Regulator, Ofcom Last week I contacted Sharon White, boss of Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, to inform her of her subordinate Chris Wynn’s aggressive attempts to curtail my activities. What I’ve since learned has profoundly…
Ofcom’s Collusive Corruption Ofcom Director of Communications Chris Wynn got in touch over Monday’s blogpost. I just assumed this was spam. Later that day I got a reminder: Not wanting to seem rude, I sent Chris a reply: The next morning…
By Ranjan Balakumaran Biased Sheila The deputy head of Ofcom – the BBC’s regulator – Baroness Noakes, has been done for anti-Labour tweeting in the past. She has consistently voted with the Government for Brexit in the Lords and is…
What a funny week we’ve had: Wages, Inflation, Sterling, Labour shocks, Enoch Powell, Windrush, Home Office, Deportations, Andrew Neil and David Goodhart, Nick Timothy, Hostile Environment, Modi, Gove, Mode4, The Times, ALEC, Cambridge Analytica, Barbara Bush, Basic Income, Biometrics, Aadhaar,…
Lance Armstrong just settled a “$100m fraud suit” in the US, according to reports . He could have been forced to pay out $100m for having defrauded his team’s sponsor, the US Postal Service, but instead settled for $5m. His…
Off Track Off Track is a recent report from Oil Change International on the future of Oil investments, as things stand, and why what is happening is so wrong. BP AGM 2018 In Friday’s edition of Amusing Ourselves to Death,…
Finally a smoking gun. UKIP paid Steve Bannon’s Cambridge Analytica to swing Brexit. Carole Cadwalladr and Peter Jukes have been tweeting about Brexit and outside interference for some time. But this invoice, showing that UKIP paid Cambridge Analytica, says it…