on Dec 15, 2019
217 views 11 mins

The Cad Fad Congratulations, Boris Johnson. You lied and cheated your way to the top. But politics is a dirty game and you didn’t create the conflict — just amplified what was already there. It would be unfair to pretend you aren’t a shrewd operator. That your recent partnership with Tory PR Queen Carrie Symonds […]

on May 29, 2019
1605 views 23 mins

Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos’s soul was sold to the CIA before he was even born. Whereas WikiLeaks’s founder Julian Assange has had to learn to detect and deflect abuse ever since he was a kid.

on May 29, 2019
1982 views 23 mins

Amazon Billionaire Jeff Bezos’s soul was sold to the CIA before he was born. Whereas WikiLeaks’s Julian Assange had to detect, deflect, & dodge abuse ever since he was a child. No wonder they’ve taken such different paths.

on Dec 1, 2017
3511 views 25 secs

Trump meets Saudis and all hell breaks loose The Saudi Ritz Carlton’s CEO had this to say about the effect of Trump’s Muslim ban:   Interesting how the Saudis manage to get the New York Times on side.   When Putin tortures rival billionaires we call him out. But when Saudi Arabia do it ..