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On the Way to Mars

On the way to the forum yesterday I was approached by a fellow freeman who muttered something about a podcast.

Of course I reminded him that anything that has been recorded is merely a diminished form of reality. That fertility lies only in the present.

That fecundity is a state of mind.

And violating law is so easy.

Keep it clean. And simple.

Corporeal matters underwhelm me each and everytime except when I’m receiving the kind of attention I deserve.

Posing as a civilian on the overground it becames clear and distinct that the bag and the symbol contain far more than mere iconography – indeed the nods, nudges, and wink stains find their selves ALL OVER THE PLACE.

The star. Apparently the ubiquitous star. The red one. Is only red because. The peasants. The Russians. They thought they’d go to Mars. Pump up the volume.

People who could barely fly across continents were talking about colonizing other planets.

Were these Bolsheviks invoking Zionism? Is one an alternative to the other?

And did this movement produce the telecommunication, banking and surveillance systems that led to the control of the government and BBC?