BP Shareholder Meeting in Manchester, May 2018

Look who’s coming to Manchester!

Oil Giant BP are to hold their Annual Shareholder meeting in Manchester on May 21st.

Have your say!

Share Action are willing to hold an AGM workshop in Manchester in the first week of May.

This is a great opportunity for anti-fracking campaigners  to tell Global Oil industry executives how they feel about fossil fuels and specifically fracking in their own communities.

Message from Share Action

“Imagine talking to the CEO’s of the UK’s biggest companies over a cup of tea. What would you challenge them on?

Well guess what – you can. AGM activism literally puts you in a room with the biggest bosses at company AGM’s – where they can’t ignore the issues that matter any longer. There’s no hiding from petitions at an AGM!

AGM activists across the country are reprogramming the investment system into a force for good. You don’t have to be a financial expert or a shareholder to take part – ShareAction make sure its open to anyone, and that everyone is skilled up to be effective!

BP are having their AGM in Manchester on the 21st May and we need lots of activists to go and challenge them on climate change. Get trained up and be one of the people to do so!”

The BP AGM in Manchester is a great chance for the UK divestment movement to raise its profile in communities throughout the country.

For more info about organising a share action workshop  in early may please contact: ranjan@londonconversation.com


BP don’t frack in the UK but they do have a massive fracking project in Oman:

and they’re in New Mexico (USA):


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