Off Track — How the Oil Lobby is Taking Us Straight to Hell

Off Track

Off Track is a recent report from Oil Change International on the future of Oil investments, as things stand, and why what is happening is so wrong.

BP AGM 2018

In Friday’s edition of Amusing Ourselves to Death, Real Media flagged the BP switch to Manchester for their upcoming Shareholder Meeting.

We hope there will be some interest in the proposed Share Action workshop in Manchester the first week of May.

The more locals state their opposition to fracking at the BP AGM the more people will know about the dangers.

BP’s Mancos Shale Project in New Mexico

If someone from a fracked community in the United States comes to Manchester to point out the immediate impact of BP’s projects, it will be great opportunity for dialogue between communities that might otherwise not get the chance to learn from each other.

It turns out that BP’s fracking in New Mexico is taking place on sacred tribal land.

Who will pray for Lancashire outside the BP AGM on May 21st 2018?

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