Private PIE
Openly Indifferent
51 secs
Private Eye did a podcast on UK Establishment paedophilia back in March 2020. No mention of Kincora or Lord Mountbatten. They suggest that rumours about Leon Brittan were started by the Security Services. There was a time when Private Eye would expose UK establishment paedophilia – even while it was infiltrated by the very type […]
Curzon Vs Leahy
Openly Indifferent
9 mins
A Session Between Lord Curzon and Major Leahy Setting: A grand office in London during the 1920s. The room is filled with opulent furniture, shelves of medical books, and various pieces of art from India. Major Leahy, a jovial and robust man with a noticeable limp, sits behind his large wooden desk. Across from him […]