Hell hath no fury like a Mandy Scorned #HartlepoolByElection

Synthetic Biology is the Answer I’m no scientist. But I think science is important. The open discussion of science is crucial in a free society. A matter of life and death. The society which does not permit open discussion of…
Why England Is Conservative by Alfred Austin Because of our dear Mother, the fair Past,On whom twin Hope and Memory safely lean,And from whose fostering wisdom none shall weanTheir love and faith, while love and faith shall last:Mother of happy…
Andrew Bailey is referred to in this FT piece as though he has some sort of track record preventing fraud. He doesn’t. For some reason, “comments have not been enabled for this article” Bailey was asked about lessons learned from…
Woke This Way The Times of London tends to issue anti-woke UK Government propaganda from behind a paywall. A paywall that is thankfully not impossible to bypass. In today’s business section is the following offering: It is interesting to see…
A is for Apple, Anarchism, & Anachronism Luddites I miss the Luddites. Not the ones up in Nottinghamshire that broke frames. I mean the ones from a few years ago who were scientists against technocracy. Dave King ran the group.…
“It is an unprecedented and controversial step. But ministers should press ahead” – The TImes Over the course of eight paragraphs today’s Times argues that the jab should be mandatory for all care workers. It goes a little something like…
Alina, mi amore, brevita gran pregio
Standing Next to a Mountain UK Government in Coal U-Turn Last night Robert Jenrick, the communities secretary, U-Turned and blocked the application for the deep coalmine near Whitehaven in Cumbria. Fracking was recently blocked in the UK, despite the government…
The boys and girls over at the State Department / Bloomberg must think the public believe anything. Their latest offering suggests the UK / US axis wants to place sanctions on Russia. This is due to chemical weapons usage and…
The Times has just published a story about the personal life of an academic who was held hostage in Iran for three years. I see no news value in it whatsoever. What possesses them to publish a story that simply…
Bee-Killing Brexit Pesticide Wu Tang Killer Bees UK Government Launches Genetic Engineering Consultation
Comment is Banned They used to say on the Guardian website that comment is free. But now it’s more a case of Comment is banned. Why? In the Guardian opinion section, of the 20 main articles, only 3 have a…
It’s only a year since I said I was dreaming of a Brown Brexit. As if by magic, UK policy in the organ donation space has opened up. How did they do it? By getting rid of free will. Opened…
Quintessentially English Ben Elliot, the Chairman of the Conservative Party, nephew of Prince Charles, close friend of Zac Goldsmith, and Boris Johnson’s tennis partner, co-founded and co-owns Quintessentially, an elite services or ‘concierge company’ which created and registered the website…
It is a bit weird to see Dominic Raab / Alan B’stard strutting his stuff on the world stage. Strange seeing Raab in Vietnam trying to get approval for the CPTPP trade agreement. Is anyone actually following any of this?…
Just as UK PM Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson makes out that his surname is Johnson, despite the surname on his paternal grandfather’s birth certificate being clearly Kemal, so too does Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris make little mention…