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Drilling is Green insists Alaskan Senator


Trump 2020

Showy events like yesterday’s White House tax cut speeches make Trump’s re-election look assured.

[contentcards url=”http://londonconversation.com/news/trump-delivers-worlds-biggest-ever-tax-cut/”]

But wheeling out African American politicians like Tim Scott to talk about how the tax cut is for ‘distressed communities’ and single mothers while Ben Carson is asked to pray for tax cuts in Cabinet Meetings could seriously backfire.

[contentcards url=”http://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/20/politics/ben-carson-prayer-cabinet-meeting/index.html”]

How long will America fall for Pity the Billionaire politics?

[contentcards url=”http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/bannon-black-republicans_us_5a271752e4b0c21176268f08″]

Breitbart’s Billionaire Bannon recently spoke to an AstroTurf White-Funded Black Business Group even while campaigning for Roy Moore.

UK Alt-Right

The Alt-Right has quite a following here in the UK:

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/dec/01/jacob-rees-mogg-held-meeting-with-steve-bannon-in-london?CMP=share_btn_tw”]

Including the Political Sketch Writer of the Daily Mail, Quentin Letts:

Energy Dominance

Senator Dan Johnson claims high US safety standards mean drilling is good for the environment.

That’s some prizewinning flexibility in the face of facts.

But Ohio Senator Orrin Hatch takes things to a whole new level at 04:03.

Yes, the world needs America — but with friends like these, God help us.


[contentcards url=”https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-20/arctic-refuge-just-the-start-as-trump-moves-to-unlock-alaska-oil”]

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/dec/20/alaskas-arctic-national-wildlife-refuge-1bn-price-tag?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other”]

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/01/climate/murkowski-alaska-anwr.html”]

The Breitbart View

[contentcards url=”http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/12/19/arctic-national-wildlife-refuge-drilling-trump-parks-his-tanks-on-sierra-clubs-lawn/”]

James Delingpole

An elder statesman in the world of UK Alt-Right politics — check out his Breitbart podcast— it’s designed for the corruptibly anti-corrupt.

I’ve listened to it a few times. The honesty is comforting. Can’t say we always agree. But it’s unfair on its own terms.

The contradictions don’t hide – they’re part of the fun.

I read somewhere that Delingpole smoked weed with David Cameron at Oxford. He must hate him now. Far too liberal for Delingpole.

More on Cameron (and HSBC) soon.

[contentcards url=”http://londonconversation.com/news/hsbc-corrupt-spencer-cameron-osborne/”]

As for Delingpole – if he dies in battle, they should still let him into heaven.


Having moved around in some ‘progressive’ circles over the years, I’ve exposed myself to more than my fair share of groupthink, infiltration, astro-turfing and controlled opposition.

Greatest Threat to Freedom

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jan/30/green-movement-greatest-threat-freedom-says-trump-adviser-myron-ebell”]

[contentcards url=”http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/peter-foster-how-trump-saved-freedom-and-democracy-from-the-climate-industrial-complex”]

Better not to kill each other when we can all attack the planet instead

Technology and automation are fine if you’re invested. Anyone can pick up a bit of bitcoin!

Why end slavery when it is so profitable for some?

I feel there are arguments that would be made along these lines that parallel Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax repeal argument. They will mainly be found in the Wall Street Journal.

Trump delivers world’s biggest ever Tax Cut


A.L.E.C. operative Mike Pence, & Tim Scott on the Tax Cut

Republicans are ecstatic about this tax cut. It’s interesting to hear what Pence has to say about America’s place in the world.

He talks about ISIS but not about Russia or China.

As for Tim Scott, time will tell how much extra money from the tax cut will flow in the direction of “distressed communities”.

Mummy, what’s a #BreitbartBrexit?


We in the middle of a #BreitbartBrexit:


David Davis is championing CETA+++ which means Britain copying the Canada-EU trade agreement — plus services.

The Alt-Right-ish Spectator updated us  yesterday:

According to Sun Columnist James Forsyth, the EU negotiator Michel Barnier has said the UK must accept either Norway or Canada style arrangements.

Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer wants UK to be Norway-style ‘rule takers’ except for free movement which will become ‘easy’ movement.

[contentcards url=”https://news.sky.com/story/kier-starmer-calls-for-easy-movement-after-brexit-to-keep-uk-aligned-with-eu-11165090″]

What is Easy Movement?

Emmanuel Macron’s wants to reform the rules around ‘posted workers’.

Did Starmer get his ideas from Macron?

Why aren’t these ideas being discussed here like in France?

Balanced reports on economic migration are sadly few and far between.

We generally only hear these topics mentioned by Nigel Farage on Question Time or in the tabloid press.


I stumbled across this exposé of Bannon  on the Spectator website.

It came out in October so things have moved on a bit since then.

This is his November New York Times interview.

Sadly no  mention of Buzzfeed’s October story that documented how Bannon courted the Nazi Alt-Right via Milo Yiannopolous,

[contentcards url=”https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/steve-bannon-dropped-milo-after-white-nationalism?utm_term=.vkXXXOeQQO#.hymOOLRvvL”]

Or his  soft spot for Italian Fascist Julius Evola:

[contentcards url=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Evola”]

Net Neutrality

If Bannon is so interested in helping the poor – what’s he saying about Net Neutrality?

[contentcards url=”https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/08/steve-bannon-google-facebook/535473/”]

Bannon  made big money from 90s hit TV show Seinfeld.  Who would have thought Seinfeld would be instrumental in funding the Alt-Right / Neo-Nazi revolution.

Maybe Bannon sees Net Neutrality as a way of destroying his Alt-Right competitors.


[contentcards url=”https://www.amazon.co.uk/Streampunks-YouTube-Creators-Transforming-Lives/dp/0753545926″]

In StreamPunks, YouTube’s Chief Business Officer says middle aged white guys (like Bannon)  used to decide everything we saw on TV.

There is even a quote from the scene in Seinfeld where they try to pitch the show, which is about nothing,  to the head of NBC.

“Why am I watching it?” asks the studio exec.

“Because it’s on TV!” says George.

Bored with deciding what’s on our TVs, Bannon has taken it upon himself to decide who is in the White House.

His recent speech to Black Americans for a Better Future was a masterclass in rhetoric from a man whose Breitbart website is a favourite among neo-Nazi white nationalists.

This Buzzfeed piece  points out that Black Americans for a Better Future is mainly funded by wealthy white donors.

[contentcards url=”http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/bannon-black-republicans_us_5a271752e4b0c21176268f08″]

As pointed out in this blog, the Alt-Right’s favourite UK politician is Jacob Rees Mogg whose mission, like Bannon’s, is the Deconstruction of the Administrative State i.e. Deregulate Everything.

I wish I could round off with something comforting you can do to stop this madness. Suddenly fascism is fashionable.


“Good that UK Completely Caved-In…” says Citigroup’s Global Chief Economist, Willem Buiter — But in Reality US using Brexit to Colonise EU via Ireland


Purported UK Cave-In (08/12/17)

[contentcards url=”https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2017-12-08/buiter-brexit-agreement-a-cave-in-of-u-k-to-eu-video”]

Brexit Jihad designed to weaken the EU & UK at all costs

Why would the City of London Corporation (The UK’s Foremost Financial Services Lobbyists) or the European Commission care about EU or UK citizens?

[contentcards url=”http://www.france24.com/en/20171127-eu-backs-renewal-controversial-weed-killer-glyphosate-five-years-agriculture”]

German Chemical firm Bayer are buying US-firm Monsanto and so Germany just voted through the 5 year renewal of Monsanto’s controversial Round-Up weed killer licence at EU-Wide Level.

They had previously abstained. This time their vote swung it for the potentially carcinogenic pesticide.

Ireland are a tax haven favoured by the likes of Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook.

This 2011 post by David Malone explains what Germany really think of Ireland.

[contentcards url=”http://www.golemxiv.co.uk/2011/01/ireland-was-germanys-off-shore-tart/”]

Ireland are also home to lots of Monsanto lobbying.

[contentcards url=”http://www.irishexaminer.com/farming/news/department-of-agriculture-denies-lobbying-role-in-roundup-decision-444054.html”]

US are using Brexit & Ireland to colonise Europe as they’d originally planned via TTIP.

First Baghdad then Athens then London

French Economist Patrick Artus predicted way back in 2002 that Britain would surely have adopted the Euro by now.

He clearly never read the Sun.

The likes of Buiter can claim the ‘Cave-In’ as a victory for the EU or his type of disaster capitalism, but he fundamentally misunderstands.

Brexit is an opportunity for far greater disruption via regulatory arbitrage. Collateral damage will be borne by those whose shoulders are least broad.

Amusing Ourselves to Death — Brexit Jihadi in Sheep’s Clothing Jacob Rees Mogg  on Marr Show (3/12/17)

We need to deliver the benefits of leaving to the poorest in our nation because otherwise they will feel deeply let down. That includes dealing with freedom of movement and that includes getting free trade deals so that we can learn the cost of food clothing and footwear.

This from an Alt-Right man who consistently voted to cut disability benefit and whose father William edited the Times for several years and said of Murdoch in his memoirs: “Looking back, he has been an excellent proprietor for the Times, but also for Fleet Street.”

Lord William Rees-Mogg wrote the following book, quoting a famous Rothschild on when best to invest in the stock market.

[contentcards url=”https://www.amazon.co.uk/Blood-Streets-Investment-Profits-World/dp/0446353167″]

Not so different to Death of Britain by that other famous ex-Rothschild Brexiteer — Jihadi John (Redwood):

Brits often sold secrets to Moscow during the Cold War. Redwood’s loyalty clearly lies elsewhere. He’s undermining Britain for his 30 pieces of silver. In days gone such behaviour could get you hanged.

Speaking in Codes – When you mean Deregulation, just say Ireland

Rees Mogg wants to maintain the integrity of Northern Ireland in UK and to have no hard border. This means he wants to recolonise the Irish by forcing them to accept the UK’s regulatory regime.

And if they don’t then Brexiteers can treat them just like they did the ‘Remoaners’.

Rees Mogg & Bannon Alliance

Marr should have asked Rees Mogg about Bannon’s stated aim to deconstruct the Administrative state.

This seems entirely consistent with Blood on The Streets and the Death of Britain.

[contentcards url=”https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-03-27/bannon-s-requiem-for-the-administrative-state”]

Rees Mogg on Bannon

Rees Mogg suggests speaking to Alt-Right Breitbart owner Steve Bannon is just like talking to Barrack Obama’s “left-wing” former UK ambassadors.

Presumably Jihadi Joseph views fellow Tory austerity architects David Cameron, George Osborne & Oliver Letwin as a bunch of wayward Crypto-Marxists.

Just as energy firms trade with ISIS, Jihadis like Rees-Mogg get on well with comrades like Bannon.

Sympathy for the Devil

On the other hand, here’s Bannon explaining his Economic Nationalism to a US Black Republican meeting last week — a captivating speech.

Easy Rider

If you’re disappointed the BBC presenter didn’t do more to challenge Mogg, let’s not forget that till April this year, the Deputy Chair of the BBC Trust was Sir Roger Carr who, as well as Chairing BAE Systems, is a senior adviser at the world’s largest Private Equity firm aka Asset Strippers — KKR.

[contentcards url=”http://www.baesystems.com/en/our-company/our-people/board-of-directors/sir-roger-carr”]

Trump’s People

Although Bannon talks about helping the working man in America, the fact is he was outnumbered by the buyout people.

Fake News

Toward the end of the interview when asked about Trump retweeting Britain First, Rees Mogg says that Twitter is a trivial medium.

Conveniently ignoring the fact that this was the main medium via which the Brexit and the US election campaigns were fought and is the main arena for Fake News which is how Rees Mogg now maintains power.

What was Mogg saying pre-cave-in on Tuesday when DUP had just scuppered the deal?

What was Arch-Remainer Roland Rudd’s reaction to Friday’s deal?

Trump’s favourite Russian Agent — Aaron Banks’ reaction to Rudd

Not going anywhere

The Real Deal

The US, UK & EU have always been run for the benefit of the same people — the Rich. Therefore the 2016 Trump & Brexit votes, though referred to as populism, are no different.

Under Brexit the US will export more to Europe by going through UK.

UK employment rights will take a hit and the Investor Protections that they tried to implement under TTIP will be granted under the US/UK trade agreement.

Europe’s regulatory system will be eroded despite the best wishes of their increasingly feeble politicians as the place doubles up as an old people’s home that markets itself as a gap year destination for the global middle class.

United States of Europe

[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/12/07/german-spd-leader-martinschulz-seeks-united-states-europe-2025/”]

Schulz, Freedom of Movement, & Social Dumping

More Schulz

[contentcards url=”https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-election-2017-martin-schulzs-risky-refugee-gamble/”]

Bloomberg Books of 2017

[contentcards url=”https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-12-07/must-reads-of-2017-from-finance-to-extinction”]

Torturing Saudi PR Machine Schmoozes Trump & New York Times


Trump meets Saudis and all hell breaks loose

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/world/middleeast/mohammed-bin-salman-saudi-arabia-trump.html?action=click&contentCollection=Middle%20East&module=RelatedCoverage&region=Marginalia&pgtype=article”]

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/04/business/dealbook/trump-in-tweet-urges-us-listing-for-saudi-aramco.html”]

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/04/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-waleed-bin-talal.html?action=click&contentCollection=DealBook&module=RelatedCoverage&region=Marginalia&pgtype=article”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/07/donald-trump-says-saudi-purge-targets-milking-country/”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5108651/American-mercenaries-torturing-Saudi-princes.html”]

The Saudi Ritz Carlton’s CEO had this to say about the effect of Trump’s Muslim ban:


[contentcards url=”https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-01/trump-is-pushing-travelers-north-to-canada-marriott-ceo-says”]

Interesting how the Saudis manage to get the New York Times on side.


[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/23/opinion/saudi-prince-mbs-arab-spring.html?_r=0″]

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/30/opinion/saudi-prince-elites-corruption.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=opinion-c-col-right-region&region=opinion-c-col-right-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-right-region&_r=0″]

When Putin tortures rival billionaires we call him out.

But when Saudi Arabia do it ..


The Polarizers


Polarizers by Sam Rosenfeld

After WW2 Democrats and Republicans agreed on most issues.

Each party was a broad church — there was diversity on both sides.

But in the 50s they started to eye up each other’s voter base.

The Democrats were starting to get more votes in the north so they decided, on a national level, to become more ‘liberal’.

This alienated many of their southern voters. The Democrats had turned their back on them. By 1960 they had chosen to become a party of ‘principle’.

Lyndon Johnson warned against such a move.

Perhaps he believed in more transactional politics. Do something because it is going to work. Not because it’s ‘the right thing to do’.

Meanwhile the Republicans went a step further and openly debated whether principles even belonged in politics.

Their decision to court Southern Democrats on the basis that they were opposed to civil rights alienated the liberal parts of the Republican party that backed equal treatment for all.

My own research into Conservatism has taught me that conservatives rarely believe in anything. They are hardly ever idealistic. Their views change over time. They are generally pragmatists. They opt for what is convenient.

Trump, like Reagan, managed to get a lot of Democrats to vote Republican.

So where does Jeremy Corbyn’s gentler type of politics fit into all this?

50s Republicans objected to the New Deal because it gave people the impression that the government would look after them.

Silicon Valley and the Labour Party are talking about Universal Basic Income.

Given that many of the tech firms park their profits in Ireland and the Caribbean their commitment to solidarity looks flexible to say the least.

Who’s Regulating the post-Brexit Conversation?


For in the hand of Yahweh there is a cup, full of foaming wine mixed with spices. He pours it out. Indeed the wicked of the earth drink and drink it to its very dregs.


A friend and I recently agreed that Naomi Klein’s latest book No is not Enough appeals less to Brits than North Americans.

We have other things going on like Corbyn and Brexit.

Media Hype

I like how the American media are so upfront. They openly discuss their administration’s white nationalism and deregulatory stance on health insurance, tax, guns, & net neutrality.

Here in the UK our deregulation is not so much spoon-fed as subliminal.

Just like with shadow banking, we know it’s naughty, we know it’s happening, but we act as though everything’s above board.

Too much Red Tape, Mate

The Brexit vote of June 2016 was sold as the perfect opportunity to take back control of our borders, recover sovereignty and cut Red Tape.

Click the image below for the original Sun article.

But exactly which regulations we’ll be cutting remains to be seen.

After all we’ll still need to retain the right to trade with Europe.

We’ll also need to keep our rights at work, protect our food, and look after the environment.

Countries will only trade with us if they trust our regulatory standards.

How will that happen if we become a totally unregulated space?

As Tax Justice Campaigner Richard Murphy puts it:

“We need rules. Try playing football without any rules. It doesn’t work.”

Captured Media

The lack of clarity from our journalists and politicians may be part of the problem.

Academics like Daniela Gabor, Prem Sikka, David Graeber, Vickie Cooper, David Whyte, Steve Tombs, and commentators like Frances Coppola, Ann Pettifor, Nicholas Wilson, and Ian Fraser are all reliable.

But few out and out hacks are prepared to rock the boat by asking difficult questions.

Even fewer politicians make meaningful commitments, give straight answers, or admit mistakes.

We don’t need no Education

In the midst of all this emerged Nigel Farage.

While the left and right were playing musical chairs in the centre, a gaping chasm opened up everywhere else.

All anyone had to do to occupy the space was point out the contradictions in the system.

Engineering of Consent

So in a strange social experiment the British public briefly entered an age of demagoguery. One that can’t be undone.

Where Thatcher, Blair and even Cameron got their voters mildly excited, unelected Mr Farage got the nation to  say “No” to the Establishment and  replace it with — the Establishment!

Post-coup nerves

The only problem with all this was that nobody ever thought that the Brexiteers could win. The Brexiteers themselves had no idea what they’d do once they won their coup.

As Hannah Arendt said of the British Empire:

It has often been said that the British acquired their empire in a fit of absent-mindedness, as consequence of automatic trends, yielding to what seemed possible and what was tempting, rather than as a result of deliberate policy. If this is true, then the road to hell may just as well be paved with no intentions as with the proverbial good ones.

Attention Hacker

In the following clip Nigel Farage strategically attacks ‘diversity’ before claiming that English is no longer spoken in many parts of the UK.

He’s our very own Donald Trump. The influence he’s projected over global politics is staggering.

Waistline Firecracker

By relentlessly attacking every MP in sight whilst having never been more than an MEP in Brussels, Farage has become the ultimate spectactor.

Like Lear’s Fool and Donald Trump, Farage has been able to speak populist truth to power without following any of the rules by which normal politicians are bound.

Deregulatory Fork

But just like Trump, he’s a vicious corporatist.

Earlier this year after asking if Trump’s an anarchist,  I asked anthropologist  David Graeber to distinguish between corporatists like Farage and fascists like Marine Le Pen.

It was Auntie wot won it

Before the referendum I asked the BBC how frequently Farage had appeared on Newsnight, Question Time, and The Today Programme — they refused.

I assume someone like Rupert Murdoch was supporting him.

In the wake of the phone hacking scandal and the Leveson Inquiry James Harding moved to manage BBC News after having edited Murdoch’s Times for six years.

Maybe he was leaned on by Murdoch to include Farage on the BBC’s radio and televised debates.

Despite being a fully paid up member of the Metropolitan Elite and presumably a Remainer, Harding knows which way his bread’s buttered.

Amusing ourselves to death

Though humouring his old boss would have been logical, what started out as a joke led to a constitutional crisis.

By attacking the EU and political correctness in the way that he has, Farage has managed to overturn forty years of food, employment, financial and environmental standards.

Farage is currently employed by Rupert Murdoch in the US and by LBC talk radio in the UK.

What happened

Neo-liberal economics was underpinned by a belief in the idea of infinite growth. But the rapid growth of the ‘left behinds’ who under Thatcher had been written off as the acceptable rate of unemployment led to a growing divide.

They had no way out of a life of austerity.

At the same time came the rise of the Metropolitan Elite with their skinny lattés and Polish plumbers

Et Voila!

Plenty of newspapers also told their readers to vote for Brexit.

They weren’t all convinced by Jacob Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson, Liam Fox and Michael Gove.

The Sun, the Mail, the Express, the Sunday Times, and the Telegraph are all still fervent Brexiteers.

Brexit Bill

But according to those Brexiteers who aren’t in the Cabinet, the Government are making a hash of Brexit.

The potential benefits of a Brexit deal are fast disappearing as the Government commits to paying more and more money to the EU.

What next?

  1. Who is going to stand up for UK regulation?
  2. How will a balance be struck between protecting UK business, UK citizens and non-citizens?





Culture Wars: When ‘Consent’ means Rape


Adultery just made an appearance in the NYT Ethicist Column:

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/15/magazine/my-wife-is-done-with-sex-can-i-turn-elsewhere.html?_r=0″]

  1. The reader claims although he and his wife love each other, she’s been very ill and has said he can have affairs.
  2. He’s agonising over whether to be honest about his situation with future sexual partners.
  3. He disclosed his circumstances on a dating site and ended up being called an adulterer and a ‘dirty old man’.

Here is the Ethicist’s reply:

Marital vows should not, in ordinary circumstances, be subject to renegotiation. But you have taken your wife’s declaration to mark a departure from ordinary circumstances. What now? Sex requires the consent of all parties involved, and real consent rules out substantial misrepresentation. So you’ll have to find a partner who’s O.K. with your situation. This, as you’ve discovered, may be difficult, given the attitudes of the women on your dating site, most of whom will want at least the prospect of a romantic relationship. (You refer to having your wife’s permission; some of your respondents may have wondered whether she really felt she had a choice. But presumably you’ve decided that her consent was in fact full-hearted and freely given.)

So what is Consent anyway?

This bit:

 Sex requires the consent of all parties involved, and real consent rules out substantial misrepresentation.

Ok, so this is interesting. We’re now talking about full consent and partial consent. Where partial consent would be based on incomplete or unreliable information.

a.k.a. Alternative Facts / Unknown Unknowns.

How many of Weinstein, Spacey or Savile’s alleged victims could be argued to have consented?

On the grounds they were free to reject their alleged assailant’s advances?

It wouldn’t require a particularly skilled lawyer to make such an argument.

Not if the courts put the onus on victims to prove, without evidence, that they refused to consent.

Culture War

November 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther kickstarting the Reformation by nailing his demands to a Wittenberg church door.

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/oct/31/wittenberg-spotlight-500-years-reformation-martin-luther”]

Sexual Reformation

The smart people at the Spectator recently found a way to combine the Westminster fallout from the Weinstein Sexual harassment scandal with the anniversary of Luther’s Reformation.

[contentcards url=”https://www.spectator.co.uk/2017/11/the-sexual-reformation-has-opened-up-a-schism-between-women-and-men/”]

They likened the media frenzy about sexual abuse in Westminster to a witch hunt and painted it as positively Puritan.

Even the Conservative Woman decided to get in on the act and attack the left’s feminism for depriving men of sex.

Yes that’s right – The Conservative Woman!

So what would a real Puritan have to say about all this?

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-5050887/What-women-gain-squawking-sex-pests-Niqab.html”]

Peter Hitchens attacks the Jihadi Left.

When Rape becomes Consent

[contentcards url=”http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/sexually-abuse-children-compensation-refuse-consented-12-year-old-charities-criminal-injuries-a7846406.html”]

Under certain circumstances actual rape, as above, is reclassified as consent.

What about the other way around?

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/21/undercover-police-abuse-public-inquiry-cover-up”]

In the British Spycops case several law-abiding UK campaigners ‘consented’ to sex with undercover police who had infiltrated their activist groups by using false identities and lying about the state-funded nature of their motives.

In one case a policeman fathered a child with an activist — before going missing.

One victim has referred to this as Institutional Rape.

Given the seriousness of these crimes and the fact that they were carried out by law enforcement officers following orders, it is staggering that there hasn’t been a full Inquiry launched so as to ensure complete transparency about this chapter of our history and to be able to learn lessons and move on.

Instead we face more cover-ups as our cowardly leaders close ranks once again and teach us that they literally rape with impunity.

 Sex requires the consent of all parties involved, and real consent rules out substantial misrepresentation.

PM Theresa May and current Home Secretary Amber Rudd will both be fully aware of these cases.

But there’s a culture war being played out.

Both have presided over failed Child Sexual Abuse Inquiries again involving Westminster Paedophiles.

The stakes are high and until May or Rudd chooses to end the culture of abuse, the reign of terror will have no end.

Thursday 16th November 2017


US beefs up its presence in Asia according to WSJ

Backstory to Trump in Russia – Luke Harding writes well.

Some Neo-Nazis are losing their blue tick status in a Twitter purge

Some Tory MPs are disappointed not to have been included in yesterday’s Telegraph Mutineers front-page:

Right wing US Billionaire Koch Bros are weighing up a bid for Time Magazine

Aramco seem to think the latest anti-corruption purge will benefit investors

A Hundred Years Ago Traitors Like John Redwood Might Have Been Hanged


Asking investors to abandon the UK goes against the UK’s interests. No amount of debate can change that. Yet that is what Parliamentarian and Brexiteer John Redwood has done.

How can he be forgiven?

Brexit would allow for the UK to frighteningly reinstate capital punishment.

I would like to think John Redwood himself might be one of the first to be hanged.

Although it is true that our head of state has been revealed to have money invested offshore – it is quite another thing to actively encourage this sort of thing to happen.

The Conservative Party have tried to push the blame for the migrant crisis from migrants themselves onto the people smugglers.

Will the same logic apply to those intermediaries who are rewarded for eroding the UK’s financial interest?

Telegraph Drama

It felt like more ‘Enemies of the People’.

The Telegraph’s front page:

The online content itself is biased but ok.

Here is the website:

And the actual piece:

[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/11/14/nearly-20-tory-mps-threaten-rebel-against-brexit-date-brutal/”]

I watched some of the proceedings yesterday — Dominic Grieve did a great job.

As far as Britain’s business interests are concerned these ‘mutineers’ are actually the only trustworthy Tories.

The Telegraph quote the pathetic Sir Bernard Jenkin whose contorted logic and uncharismatic speech made him look desperate.

John Redwood contributed in the same way.

Coppola’s Comment

Read this excellent Frances Coppola thread on Redwood and make up your own mind:

The FT should be ashamed of themselves for giving Redwood a platform.

Letwin’s Monster

Sat next to Redwood during the debate was Oliver Letwin with a rather pained look on his face. He admitted in his new book Hearts and Minds that his 1988 book Drift to Union converted Bernard Jenkin into a Eurosceptic.

How must he have felt in the knowledge that this retard has taken the country hostage?

Jenkin also said it’s ok to leave the EU because most countries are outside the EU and are perfectly fine. Hardly the best defence of the Brexit cause.

Maybe he should spend a bit more time in Albania or Puerto Rico?

Last night Frances Coppola retweeted this:

Max Hastings’s Guilty Conscience

But former Telegraph Editor Max Hastings summed things up in August:

Hastings of course employed the bumbling oaf Boris Johnson at the Telegraph. He sent him to Brussels and even promoted him to assistant editor so, just like Letwin, this Tory Remainer ought to feel much remorse.


Liam Fox claims to be a Free Trader



[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/11/11/liam-fox-not-little-englander-free-marketeer/”]

The Infinite Meaning of Meaning


Some people see meaning when it just isn’t there.

But maybe it is – just not in the way you think.

And who am I to presume what you’re (not) thinking?

Start again.

There is meaning.

Perhaps more meaning.




But the pre-meditated, agenda-pushing, social engineering nature of this message may not be as clear as a Chanel or a Tory Saatchi ad.

What would Barthes say?

And what of Jung?

Is my shadow bursting out of the shadows?

Are my deepest most repressed desires all simply masquerading themselves via randomness?

Or has an experiment in image generation let me colonise semiotic space by repurposing otherwise dormant media so as to to operationalise my own bit of harm reduction?


such undertakings leave little to the imagination.

Di(c)e-Sect a.k.a. Random De’ath Cult

Speaking of Rednecks / Bannonites:


Ezra Pound starts his defence of totalitarianism known as the Guide to Kulchur with a reference to a conversation involving a Chinese Philosopher on the topic of government, law & language.

The first thing is to agree the terms. He prints Chinese ideograms. Some repeat.





So Pound is against the Clouding, the Vagueness, the Shadow.

The double standards.

The lack of a go to point where meaning is meaning and not Machiavellian semantic gymnastics.

We have this today with Shadow Banking which is an activity in which all major banks are players — and with the use of this word Regulation.

Once we go into the regulatory space then it becomes a civil matter.

No such thing as a Corporate Criminal!

And the Police will tell you to call your lawyer.

Brexit means Brexit.

Q: What do you like about Pepsi?

A: It is the Taste of a New Generation.

When marketing bleeds into news you have a world full of shadows.

From the flickering light of the Sun as viewed indirectly from inside the Cave to the Electric Flicker of the Mobile Smart Phone competing for your attention with actual traffic and real world goings on.

Have we become fully Cyborg? Part Man Part Machine.

Of course there would be no advertising per se in a truly totalitarian society. Advertising is driven by tapping into people’s free desires. So what is the difference between today’s China and ‘the West’? Or Russia for that matter?

We are amusing ourselves to death. 

Shirley Robin Letwin in her On the Idea of Law references Plato’s idea that if a law is wrong, it must stay wrong  until it is updated. In some systems this would have been every five years.

Better there be injustice for all till the bad law is updated – or instead everyone will turn a blind eye to the bad law – and the good law as well!

They say the best way to get rid of a stupid law is to apply it fully — to the letter.

As Mencken said :

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Does this make Shirley Letwin, Ezra Pound and Ayn Rand Crypto-Fascist Proto-Platonists?

Who wants the Law updated every five minutes?

Now that we have access to real-time updates and big data, continuous consultation could be an imminent reality.

Nothing describes the pitfalls of modern British politics better than the closing scene of The Rise of Michael Rimmer.

Discrete vs Continuous

A bit of continuity might help. Walter Lippmann, in Public Opinion, refers to those people who lived in peace after war had been declared simply because they hadn’t yet heard the war had started.

In the same way there are those for whom there will never be peace.

Permanently living in the subjunctive.

The role of fiction & theatre for the anti-truthers.

The rapidity with which truth subverts itself to reveal yet more truth at a scale so granular as to elude reasonable immediate inspection yet somehow capable of permeating through to all.

One has to either be very clever or try very hard not to feel it. Our society excels at both. From the outstanding declarative to the merely procedural.

From neoteny to phylogeny. The Master and his Emissary. Left Brain / Right Brain. Iain McGilchrist.

The recreation of the journey of human consciousness from zygote to foetus to birth – thousands of generations of evolution in just nine months.


Jonathan Swift’s mysterious flying island of Laputa features in two places of significance for me.

At the beginning of Nicholas Dunbar’s Inventing Money – on the downfall of the Long Term Capital Management Hedge Fund staffed by Economics Nobel Prizewinners who perhaps should have known better. LTCM’s collapse was a notable pre-cursor to our post 2008 too big to fail bailout culture.

And in Alfred Korzybski’s Science and Sanity as recommended by the wonderful Robert Anton Wilson.

Science and Sanity was published in 1933 and opens  with a quote about the mysterious flying island of Laputa in Gulliver’s Travels.

The Laputans’ collective consciousness enabled the island to fly.

Was Swift satirising scientists? Full of knowledge but lacking basic wisdom?

The island was a place where they were very good at music and mathematics and interested in little else.

not unlike our current love of sharing songs on social media to help marketing firms target us with the data we generate:

If you look at the bottom of the image above, I like how the guy who came up with the term self fulfilling prophesy also wrote a book called Mass Persuasion.

And spawned a mathematician, Robert C Merton,  who, with Fisher Black and Myron Scholes, created a derivative pricing mathematical model which in non financial engineering terms could legitimately be described as a money machine.

Shun peer pressure from social media or the internet. If you reveal your opinion to a group with strong views, the sociologist Robert K. Merton has warned, the ensuing debate becomes more “a battle for status” than “a search for truth.” Instead, get a second opinion from one or two people you know and can trust to tell you if they think you are wrong.

But as Donald Mackenzie of the University of Edinburgh points out in – It’s an Engine Not a Camera – the point of these mathematical models which are based on imperfect economic and psychological assumptions is not to be correct.

They are simply designed to make money!

And if they go wrong – we shouldn’t be surprised because truth was never their purpose.

A source of confusion when marketing rubs shoulders with fact.

When the Calculus was invented many scientists went around saying that what they had discovered was wonderful but they didn’t know why it worked.

In the case of financial engineering, the bottom line is the bottom line.

Korzybski said:

The Map is not the Territory – The Menu is not the Meal.

Bit like Magritte:

And his pipe:

Took me forever to realise that it’s not a pipe – but an image of a pipe.

Korzybski speaks of abstraction:

There are no illusions. Only what we abstract.

Neil Postman, follower of Marshall McLuhan fused his Medium is the Message argument with George Lakoff’s Metaphors we Live By to produce: The Medium is the Metaphor in the first chapter of his 1985 work: Amusing Ourselves to Death.

McCluhan was a Catholic and heavily influenced by GK Chesterton who also influenced Jorge Luis Borges.

Borges is himself referenced in Dunbar’s Inventing Money.

The Garden of Forking Paths is quoted in reference to option pricing. So many possible futures. We happen to be friends in this world – doesn’t mean we would in any other.

Borges himself was interested in Infinity.

One of the best books I ever read was Jorge Luis Borges and the Eternal Orang-Utans

whose title is inspired by the idea that if you give a chimpanzee a typewriter and infinite time it will eventually write the works of shakespeare.

imagine my joy when I saw the Thomas Mullaney book on the Chinese Typewriter – in front of which I would be no different to an Orang-Utan!

Tamil is the oldest spoken language. I no longer speak it but here is a recent talk in Tamil on Borges. I only found it because I couldn’t find my favourite sound recording of Garden of Forking Paths.

How Borgesian! All things for a reason. Or Not.


I am that.

Things. Consciousness. Bliss.


Post Charlottesville Democrat Victory in Virginia


Virginia Acceptance Speech

No outright mention of Charlottesville — but still a big speech in Virginia.

The comments section is split with some calling it an Obama speech.

Any reference to White Nationalism, Healing Wounds, or Affordable Care Act interpreted as outright Communism.

All subtext in the USA!

And why is the Virginia drawl so similar to the Texan?

LA Times reaction

[contentcards url=”http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-election-roundup-20171107-story.html”]

Daily Beast on the Charlottesville Shadow


back ‘atcha


Booming back at ya,

Wanna reach out and grab ya,

How I wonder where she’s AtRa,

Comes back at you twice as hard

Accidence & Incidents: Aurobindo, Koestler, Oakeshott


Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

FT political leader writer, Sebastian Payne recently referred to the Conservative Party’s pre-eminent post-war philosopher — Michael Oakeshott.

So why do Tories love him?

1. Oakeshott was a philosopher — not a neo-liberal economist.

2. Unlike Friedrich Von Hayek, Milton Friedman, or even Arthur Seldon, Oakeshott was a bona fide English Gentleman.

3. He wasn’t actually that interested in politics.

Oakeshott was appointed Professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics in 1968 – at a time when Daniel Cohn Bendit (Nous sommes tous les Juifs Allemands / We are all German Jews) was over from Paris attempting to foment revolution at the London University.

By simply not being a leftist, unlike his predecessor Harold Laski, Oakeshott did more to foster the LSE neo-liberal counter insurgency than many realise.

Oakeshott was very good friends with Oliver Letwin’s mother Shirley Letwin who wrote the Anatomy of Thatcherism shortly before passing away in 1993.

A lot of these relationships are outlined in the wonderful Thinking the Unthinkable by Richard Cockett.

Thatcher once said “Economics are the method; the object is to change the heart and soul.”

Given that Oliver Letwin has since discovered Behavioural Economics, as outlined in a previous post, it is telling that he chose to name his new book on the Conservative Party — Hearts and Minds.

Nudging people into loving deregulation hasn’t gone quite according to plan. In a way Letwin was hoist by his own petard. He wrote a paper called Drift to Union in 1988 in which he pointed out the risk of a Ever Closer Union and a European Superstate. But nevertheless he believed it would have been better to remain in the customs union whilst arguing for reforms.

He talks about the morning of Brexit as reminiscent of passages by Nadezhda Krupskaya on the morning of the Russian Revolution. A coup d’état had taken place with the ‘arch-Machiavelli’ David Davis being one of the major players.

Was all this madness just to suit the ambition of a bunch of Tory psychopaths?

A Guide to the Classics

Oakeshott wrote a book in the 30’s about how to pick the winner at the Epsom Derby.

Applying conservative principles to the world of horse-racing Oakeshott translated his way of thinking to something everyone could relate to — dealing with uncertainty.

In some fields this could be termed rationality, empiricism or even heuristics.

Oakeshott’s principles included checking a horse’s breeding and form and not just betting on a horse because of its name.


Despite Oakeshott’s advice I couldn’t help but notice — at the top left of an early edition — a horse going by the name of ‘Airborne’.

Airborne, for a couple of years, was also my nickname for Daily Mail Columnist Peter Oborne.

And it just so happens that Oborne wrote the foreword to the June 2017 reissue of Oakeshott’s Guide to the Classics — the only reason I picked it up in the first place.

Merely co-incidence? Of course — but fun all the same.

It turns out that Airborne was a surprise winner. Nobody had heard of it but lots of people bet on it because of the airborne division in the war.

Oakeshott never claimed to make you rich, merely to help you think about how to think.

The Routes of Co-Incidence


Several years ago I met a cousin of the great Indian teacher and Spiritual Guide Krishnamurthi. He (the cousin) was friends with my mother. I understand both were devotees of the late Sathya Sai Baba.

Krishnamurthi (for that was also the cousin’s name) told me all about Sri Aurobindo and the Upanishads.

For a mix of Oakeshottian and non-Oakeshottian reasons I decided to follow these leads, albeit at a leisurely pace.

The Krishnamurthi who I had  spent time with was an eloquent inspiring man.

I soon discovered that I had (briefly) attended the same school as Aurobindo in London — St Paul’s.

I call my reasoning partly Oakeshottian because of the  breeding component.

Not racial necessarily — but I did also find out that Aurobindo was Bengali.

Turns out most Bangladeshis may be Dravidian — not unlike yours truly — a Tamil from Sri Lanka (via Paddington).

Aurobindo would have been a Hindu – like the Bengalis I came across at St Paul’s

They were all very high caste. Or so it appeared.

From Death to Death will go the man
who discriminates between,
What is seen in the unseen world
and unseen in the seen

This is my re-edit of a line in the Upanishads that I found highly useful.

As a Hindu, once I die, I don’t want to come back.

Gillian Tett: Burgeoning Shadow Banking Sector dependent on Regulatory Arbitrage


In the FT today Gillian Tett points out that while the media glare falls on the big banks that are currently reporting their third quarter earnings, the real story is the Shadow Banking sector’s continued colonisation of those sections of the market that were once served by those very same big banks.

Rules that were originally brought in to make banks lend more responsibly and avoid another global financial crisis have created an opportunity for the Shadow Banking sector.

Despite low interest rates and quantitative easing ensuring that there’s plenty of money sloshing around the system, it’s taken innovation and financial engineering to bypass the new rules and kickstart lending to riskier borrowers i.e. small businesses.

Tett says “The real secret of of finance today is that the real credit growth in the US is happening in the world of private capital.”

She calls out the process whereby big banks lend to the Shadow Banking sector which in turn lends to small businesses as being nothing more than ‘regulatory arbitrage’.

As the journalist who warned of the imminent credit derivative fuelled credit crunch in her forensic piece The Dream Machine back in March 2006 – when it comes to regulatory arbitrage, this journalist really knows what she’s talking about.


Sir Oliver Letwin used Nobel Prize winner’s ideas to torture innocent Brits



Richard Thaler has just been awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics.

He’s best known for co-authoring the bestseller Nudge with Cass Sunstein in 2007.

Sunstein went on to become President Obama’s Regulatory Czar while Thaler provided the ideas for Oliver Letwin’s Behavioural Insights or “Nudge” unit.

Here Letwin, a former Thatcher adviser who wrote Privatising the World while working for N.M.Rothschild, introduces his take on what he refers to as Social Market Economics.

Some call it the Third Way.

Letwin boasts that given that Marxism has been thoroughly debunked ( or so he thought ), it is now possible to be both Deregulatory and Interventionist.

What is interesting about this statement is that he doesn’t mean Interventionist in the economic sense which would involve some form of nationalisation or meddling with the market such as QE.

Here he is talking about PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS a.k.a. NUDGE.

Letwin’s wife Isabel was the head of Legal Services for the Department of Health during the passing of the Health and Social Care act of 2012.

The Act opened up the NHS to Private Health Insurance firm United Health — also known as Optum.

Mrs Letwin was also in charge of Legal Services for the Department of Work and Pensions.

This means she was responsible for overseeing the implementation of austerity in UK Job Centres and for the disabled which involved private firms such as ATOS claiming that people who were sick and disabled were fit for work and then cut their welfare benefits and made them work for free on the work programme.

Letwin and Thaler may claim to be enlightened individuals but the deregulatory interventionism they spearheaded caused much misery and cost many lives.


Mrs Letwin supported the oversight panel of the Jimmy Savile Inquiry into his activities at Broadmoor Hospital in West London. This in itself is a major conflict of interest given how close the Letwins were to Jimmy Savile’s good friend Mrs Thatcher.

Shirley Letwin, Oliver’s mother, wrote the Anatomy of Thatcherism and Jimmy Savile attended nearly all Mrs Thatcher’s New Year’s Eve parties when she was Prime Minister. It’s unlikely they wouldn’t have met.

On the subject of Tories and Paedophilia Lord Finkelstein has attacked the police for the way they have communicated the investigations into Edward Heath’s private life.

[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/this-disgraceful-chief-constable-must-quit-lh5lrfwts”]

In this article Finkelstein defends Cyril Smith and even Jimmy Savile.

[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-dead-cant-enter-a-plea-of-not-guilty-8bh7nj9h6md”]

Finkelstein was friends with Greville Janner so he defended him too.

Having moved in Tory and high up Lib Dem circles in the eighties it is inconceivable he wouldn’t have ever heard about what went on.

I don’t believe the modern Labour Party are particularly good at listening to people at the moment or that their economic programme completely adds up.

But to celebrate another torture complicit nobel laureate feels so wrong. Interesting to see how ideologically close the Obama administration were to Cameron, Letwin and even May.

Just because Trump is in charge, I don’t think the bigger picture will really change.

Tory Confusion over Brexit


The Pound looks likely to collapse during the upcoming Tory Party conference

[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/06/theresa-mays-brexit-plans-disarray-amber-rudd-damian-green-refuse/”]

Financial Markets are looking for reassurance.

Instead they have been treated to David Davis.

Amber Rudd will remember her speech about companies having to report the amount of foreign staff on their books.

This policy was a disaster – but the Government don’t seem to have learnt a thing.

As a run on the pound is inevitable, it would be good to hear from Labour how they would react.

Social Cleansing Silicon Valley Style


Today’s FT has an excellent piece on Social Cleansing in Silicon Valley.

It made me think of Jamie Bartlett‘s BBC Show, The Secrets of Silicon Valley.

I’ve only seen episode one in which Bartlett interviews the young head of Y Combinator — a Silicon Valley venture capital company.

The conversation quickly moves from automation and disruption to universal basic income.

Old school socialists believe in economies that produce jobs.

This puts them at odds with Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs.

But a read of the today’s FT’s Silicon Valley social cleansing report shows how little of its Dublin cash pile or attention span Apple spends on cleaning its footprint.

Forget the filter bubble, the FANGS are only after your blood and your eyeballs so you can share your status and press like while they geographically displace you on a basic income ready for your new role as fresh faced contributor to the Organ Trafficking Market.

Meanwhile the Vampire Squid gets ready for its ‘alumnus’ Gary Cohn’s imminent contribution to Public Service as the likely next head of the Fed where he will run interest rates and QE so as to take getting high off your own supply Zombie Economics to a whole new level.

Have financial cannibalism, nepotism, necrophilia & incest become so normalised that we barely register – let alone resist?

Do Boiling Frogs dream of Red Tape?

Meanwhile Amazon and Whole Foods are slashing food prices in the organic food space while Google team up with Wal Mart.

So now the unemployed can eat organic food with their Basic Income. Of course.

I don’t mean to sound alarmist or anything but in the history of financial and non-financial regulation, has any institution existed that has been able to stand up to these all-powerful conglomerates and actually create anything that remotely protects human beings and the planet from the self destructive logic of pure financialisation?

Would the Kurdish resistance movement in Syria (currently US backed) count?

They’re fighting ISIS who also seem to be US-backed so I see some problems with this simplistic analogy – but good effort.

The UN and the EU seem to be far too captured to put anything forward that will question the logic or values of the Transnational, US and Corporate lobby.

The EU illegal state-aid case against the Apple and Ireland arrangement that allows Apple to avoid paying any tax anywhere is going nowhere.

And all the media is bought up by very stock market players they are supposed to be reporting on.

Bezos bought the Washington Post and Mrs Jobs just bought the Atlantic.

If it’s Breitbart Vs the New York Times, Economist & FT then we will never find a solution.

Bannon isn’t anti-tech. He’s just pro-White People dominating global politics and Economics.

How different is that to the people at Facebook, Apple, Amazon and even Google and Microsoft (the last two firms are run by Indians)?

Hillary was supposed to be the Shareholder / Wall Street candidate.

But Trump is about to appoint a Goldman banker to run the Fed, so what difference does it make?

(Spaking of California, in the UK we seem destined for our very own Snoop Moggy Mogg)

It looks like the Vampire Squid has launched a counter-coup within the White House.

May I suggest revisiting Matt Taibbi’s permanently relevant Great American Bubble Machine.

The existence of tools such as language and numbers ultimately haven’t been used to liberate us from this wanton destruction.

I wonder why.

Perhaps this is how it is all supposed to be – we ought know our place and only ever articulate the unchanging desire to continue conspiring to keep everything moving on its current path..

German Hip Hop, Serial Killers, Jesse Owens, Hitler, und Hardfloor



German Hip Hop band BSMG have just done a tune called Jesse Owens.

I don’t speak the language. But the name Owens reminds me of:

Robert Owens

I recall seeing Robert Owens out and about in London 10 years ago – and of course hearing this on old mixtapes:

Jesse Owens

So what did actually happen when Jesse Owens went to the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

It appears the Germans loved him and Hitler didn’t really snub him.


But why let the truth get in the way of a good story?

Hans Zimmer

Nice music here – not sure about the content.


This is a German Public Radio drama about a Neo-Nazi.

I don’t understand German but the production, sound especially, is fiendishly tight.

[contentcards url=”http://www.ard.de/home/radio/Unantastbar/4250944/index.html”]


Production seems to be by Haarmann.

Butcher of Hanover

No relation to the butcher of Hanover I assume — Fritz Haarmann.

[contentcards url=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haarmann”]

As immortalised by Fritz Lang in M:

A friend and I went to see Normal by Anthony Nielsen earlier this year — about the Dusseldorf Ripper.

Nielsen did a play called The Wonderful of Dissocia. Barnaby Power told me about it. Sounds good. Possibly of therapeutic value to  those of us who wonder if we might be somewhere on ze spectrum.


All this talk of Deutsch-ness, kaos und order, stumbled me upon this.









Trump to address opioid crisis


According to the Wall Street Journal Donald Trump plans to combat the US opioid crisis. 

It was only the other day that Janet Yellen, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, mentioned that the opioid crisis was undermining the US labor market. 

How funny that a hundred years after the British imposed the opium war on China that the latest round of opioids are undermining the United States while China is still growing.

Germany’s Fossil Fueled Decarbonisation


German car firms have been hit by recent emission fraud scandals

and the appearance of the electric car:

But where are these new cars going to get their electricity?

Britain’s relying on China and France to deliver the Hinkley Point Nuclear power station as no British firm has put itself forward.

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/aug/01/british-gas-hikes-electricity-prices-centrica-energy-bills”]

And UK gas prices are going up despite global oil and gas prices being extremely low.

So seeing as Chancellor Merkel has banned the generation of Nuclear power following Fukushima,

[contentcards url=”https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-07/merkel-nuclear-tax-blunder-returns-to-haunt-her-in-election-year”]

Germans could soon find themselves in decarbonised driverless Teslas that run on fossil fuel and French nuclear generated power.





God Save our Unforgettable Mall


Here we are crawling the cracks between walls of church state school & factory, all the paranoid monoliths. Cut off from the tribe by feral nostalgia we tunnel after lost words, imaginary bombs.

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/22/mall-of-america-minnesota-retail-anniversary”]


If Socrates was against writing – what would he have made of Amazon?

[contentcards url=”https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/literally-psyched/on-writing-memory-and-forgetting-socrates-and-hemingway-take-on-zeigarnik/”]

No Drought – Trump Shorts Marijuana but Vets Already Blaze


Jamaica is only allowed to legally grow Marijuana now that it is already well established in US law. US firms have been granted licence to grow and experiment in Jamaica.

[contentcards url=”http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/business/20170721/cannabis-licencing-authority-approves-46-ganja-applications-rejects-8″]


[contentcards url=”http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-pot-veterans-201707-story.html”]

Vulture Capitalists, Potash Mining, GM, Fertilisers, Brexit & UK Food


For some reason Food and Brexit doesn’t get discussed in the news but as many of us will wind up eating food from fertilisers I think it’s worth a mention.

What is potash? Learn more in our blog, Prospects → https://t.co/8tDPWyfycT pic.twitter.com/YvuWVlSrFZ

— BHP (@bhp) July 17, 2017

When Vulture Capitalists start talking about ousting fatcat CEOs because they are overspending on entering fertiliser markets that looks like a sign that food prices are going up in the not too distant future.

What else can be gleaned from this?

I am much more interested in this than I normally would be thanks to the work of Public Interest Researcher Helena Paul who has commented on the link between Agri-Business and War.


Real Media interviewed Helena for Real Media earlier this summer:

Explosives & Explosions : The Haber Process


Roughly forty minutes into this great podcast, Tim Harford talks about the significance of the Haber Process.

[contentcards url=”http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/financial-times/ft-alphachat/e/50849097″]

The Haber Process revolutionised the world of explosives in World War One before being used in many of the world’s fertilisers — fueling the population explosion.

[contentcards url=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haber_process”]

Tech-Firms & Universal Basic Income


[contentcards url=”http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-rushkoff-universal-basic-income-silicon-valley-20170721-story.html”]

The dark side of basic income. Parasites need hosts.


Writing the Wrong’un


Just as Ian Fraser says that his book Shredded about the Royal Bank of Scotland is not just about RBS but really a prism through which to interpret lapses in UK financial regulation, nor is Donald Trump’s presidency really just about Trump the man or even the office he finds himself in but how a taboo-ridden self-censoring litigous society responds to rising inequality,  increasingly obvious and endemic collusive corruption and the most obnoxious merger of government and corporate interests in living memory. Most establishment figures are so compromised that they cannot say or do anything about this. We most certainly do live in the age of the compromise. 

As George Clinton of Funkadelic might have said, Free yourself from the shackles of integrity and the rest will surely follow. Feel free from the need to be free.


When will London’s Social Cleansing reach Peak Cleanse?


  Plaque to honor the original Alms Houses on which the Hermitage Street development is built

I wonder if the new development on Hermitage Street in Paddington, Westminster, where this picture was taken has any affordable or social housing. 

And has the ongoing social cleansing of London reached Peak-Cleanse? 

The Dutch had a policy in Indonesia called Transmigrasi in which they sent the Javanese all over the country in an attempt to rebalance the population. 

The link between people and place is sensitive. 

Conservative Party grandee Norman Tebbit famously urged Brits to leave parts of  the U.K. that were in economic decline by telling them to get on their bikes.

At the same time he said that the test of how British you are is which cricket team you support – your adopted country or the colony from whence you hail.

I looked around the back of this building for poor doors and can’t say I found any. 

But I don’t actually know what they would look like.

 I’m guessing they will be avoiding the flashing Apartheid sign above the door.

The plaque itself stands for something entirely different. So how much joined up thinking on this has gone on here?

Many organizations policies are entirely at odds with each other. Why shouldn’t this also be the case here. Strip away the veneer and all is revealed.

As Westminster Council have repeatedly been quite happy to geographically displace its residents I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if poor doors are alive and kicking somewhere in the borough.

The recently appointed chair of the Grenfell Inquiry ruled in favour of Westminster deporting/displacing a resident to Milton Keynes. She was of African origin so in this case the social cleansing would have had an ethnic dimension. 

The case was overturned at the Supreme Court but it’s hard to say it doesn’t give an idea of how the judge’s mind operates. 
Cressida Dick, head of the Met and a reputed to be a Common Purpose graduate, had been made the country’s top policewoman despite presiding over the ‘bungled’ killing of Jean Charles de Menezes in 2005.

Some lawyers in Twitter have been saying that it is unfair to read anything into the displacement case. 

But they would wouldn’t they? 

Typical for lawyers to defend their own. I wonder what they say about the obvious whitewash when behind closed doors.

Lendlease in Haringey 


  Telegraph business section covering the Heygate and Haringey controversy today. 

Real Media were at last Monday’s protest and will be releasing further interviews and a join the dots on the  taboo topic of geographical displacement this week.

Gove claims to embrace Anti-Austerity Politics & “Green Brexit” in Desperate Bid to Charm Voters


Michael Gove,  Minister for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, twice referred to a five year parliament as he started to backtrack on the Government’s austerity programme during this morning’s Andrew Marr politics show.

At no point did Andrew Marr pull the Gove up on his error. 

This could have just been a double oversight on both of their parts – not that unlikely given the sheer incompetence emanating from the Tory party and the BBC right now. 

But it could all just be more intrigue and subterfuge from a politician who, by U.K. standards is a well accepted as being as dishonest, self-serving and Machiavellian as they come. 

Few politicians enjoy the degree of political protection that has been afforded to Michael Gove. The risk free environment in which he operates has convinced him – quite fairly – that he can actually do no wrong. 

The man is a close friend of Rupert Murdoch’s and just as his fellow Brexiteer Boris Johnson’s sister Rachel writes for the Mail on Sunday, Gove’s own wife Sarah Vine is a columnist for The Daily Mail. 

Gove himself returned to the Murdoch Times during his recent sabbatical when he managed to deliver the ‘Exclusive’ interview of Donald Trump from Trump’s palace in New York with his own boss and fixer Rupert Murdoch in attendance. 

With Gove’s ex-Cabinet colleague former Chancellor George Osborne already editing London’s only high circulation freesheet, you’d be forgiven for contemplating whether the sudden acceleration of the pace of the revolving door be a signal of what anti-corruption expert David Whyte calls a “high degree of tolerance of collusive corruption in this country.” 

Any  honest journalist, unlike Marr, would have flagged as, in and of itself, the massive risk to UK Public Health that Gove really represents. 

Some other interesting things about his interview. 

Gove used the term 5 year parliament twice but was never picked up on this. 

Gove’s appearance is supposed to reflect Tory backtracking on Austerity. 

Damian Green implied there will be a U-Turn on University fees.

But Gove defended fees by saying it isn’t fair that those who don’t g to uni fund those who do. He didn’t go so far as to say that those who have been funding people to go universities deserve a rebate so it is a wonder whether he means anything he says.  

 The 1% public sector pay cap may go. There was the £1bn to Northern Ireland. Abortions. Same Sex marriage. 

Gove was asked how he fel, as an individual, about austerity, to which he replied that he is not an individual – that he is a member of the government. He also told Marr that that Marr himself said that he has had to learn to keep his own views to himself. So here we had two men – both public figures – admitting to have no personal investment in their own words. 

This reminded me of the scene at the beginning of Michael Lewis Liars Poker in which he said that banking was really all about people who didn’t know what they were buying buying from people who didn’t know what they were selling. 

When The Facts Change >> Corbyn dramatically cutting Tory Lead


With no TV Debate – Manifestos do the Talking

When the facts change I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?  J.M Keynes.

In a time of Information Overload, the Info-Arbitrageur is King.

Tim Shipman of the Times refers to the increasingly decreasing gap between Tories and Labour. There’s no hiding the fact the Tories are dumping it.




[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/tory-wobble-as-cuts-for-elderly-slash-mays-lead-jz5l8gktj”]



[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/business/polls-apart-but-labour-and-tories-both-pose-risks-rlcgp7s6w”]

[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/business/who-speaks-for-business-in-this-election-fvmwx3hx6″]


[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/business/keep-door-to-world-open-warns-cbi-boss-3b0wwr8ds”]


[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/05/20/theresa-mays-plans-branded-attack-business/”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/05/20/bleak-choice-meddling-may-comrade-corbyn/”]




[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/05/20/meddling-theresa-may-will-provide-another-headache-business/”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/tory-manifesto-10-ways-finances-would-affected/”]


There will be big price changes at the betting websites over the next few hours. Get in.





Theresa May decriminalises Bribery, Fraud & Election Rigging


The American satirist HL Mencken famously quipped that no-one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people.

But here in Britain we have a different maxim:

No Tory ever lost out overestimating the gullibility of the British Voter

I interviewed David Whyte of the University of Liverpool about various aspects of corruption last week.

He called for an investigation into allegations  the Tory party has received funding from laundered HSBC money.

Yesterday the Conservative Manifesto included proposals to scrap the Serious Fraud Office :

[contentcards url=”https://blogs.wsj.com/riskandcompliance/2017/05/18/u-k-plans-to-fold-serious-fraud-office-into-nca-meet-skepticism/”]

Tories are also proposing that all voters provide ID cards to vote – a move which has been criticised by the Electoral Commission which itself recently concluded that the Tories themselves broke electoral rules regarding local spending limits in the 2015 election.

The Tories got away with this and are now seeking to undermine the smooth running of future elections.

This is the sort of thing you expect from Turkey, Russia, or even Iran.

May is very scary. I cannot emphasise enough what  a bad idea it would be to vote for her.

[contentcards url=”http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/conservative-manifesto-pledge-demanding-voters-have-photo-id-could-stop-millions-from-voting_uk_591dbdc9e4b094cdba51f63b”]
















Macron says Buy European


[contentcards url=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/09/emmanuel-macron-wants-buy-european-act-stop-uk-firms-winning/”]


How is this going to play out?

Seeing as protectionism is in fashion maybe the EU will now be more upfront about its priorities.

Tough on Corporate Crime and on the Causes of Corporate Crime


I came across this book whilst researching an interview with David Whyte who has a new book called The Violence of Austerity which he edited with Vickie Cooper.

It’s straight-talking and more relevant than ever given the ongoing collusion between the state and corporations.

 Function Creep: Indian ID Card Expanding in Scope


Real Media have been looking at the links between UK, US and Indian National Database and surveillance systems.

Here are two highlights:

[contentcards url=”http://newsclick.in/dangerous-expansion-aadhaar-despite-shaky-record”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailyo.in/business/fintech-aadhaar-digital-lending-rbi/story/1/17018.html”]



Tory Education Cuts


Now that we are living through an age of automation and underemployment, technical skills should be our passport to competing on the post-Brexit world stage.

Tories hell-bent on Education Apartheid

But Tories are up-front about being the anti-immigration austerity party.

Selective Grammar Schools and pricy uni fees reflect a backward Tory deskilling agenda which maximises inequality and cuts UK competitiveness.

[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/two-out-of-three-schools-forced-to-cut-teaching-staff-pl2jcxc6z”]

Even the PM’s former colleague George Osborne’s  Standard reported last week that quite a few Tories are upset that the PM remains stubborn about cutting funding to schools.

[contentcards url=”http://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/theresa-may-faces-first-uprising-of-election-as-tories-urge-pm-to-abandon-school-funding-shakeup-a3529261.html”]

Given the context Labour’s policy to increase education spending and cut university fees sounds like the most sensible option if we are to remain a serious competitive economy.

[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/corbyn-to-tax-business-and-spend-30bn-on-education-3v3rcfwq6″]

Channel Four report on Education Cuts

Historic Tory Education Policy

Rhodes Boyson was a Tory MP who switched from the Labour Party because he objected to Labour’s education policies.

[contentcards url=”http://conservativehistory2.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/black-papers-and-debate-about-standards.html”]


The Judge’s Mum, The Law, & Client Earth


Trump’s appointment Neil Gorsuch is the son of Reagan’s EPA Head Anne Gorsuch.

She did her best to destroy it.

[contentcards url=”http://www.nytimes.com/1983/02/16/opinion/mrs-gorsuch-pollutes-the-epa.html”]



But apparently her gutting of the EPA led to major developments in the field of environmental law.

I’ve been reading about some of this in Lawyers James Thornton and Martin Goodman’s new book, Client Earth.

[contentcards url=”https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06Y1FTSMR/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1″]

Whereas Thornton and Goodman say their Client is the Earth, Gorsuch proudly states his client is … The Law.

Encore une fois, industry, via dead letters, attempts to short change the planet.

Breaking: Corrupt Money Launderers HSBC bankrolled Corrupt Cameron & Corrupt Osborne’s Trips to Davos


Corrupt Money Launderers HSBC bankrolled David Cameron and George Osborne’s trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2009, it has emerged.

The controversial lender lent the gaffe-prone billionaire bookie and former Tory Treasurer Michael Spencer £200 million pounds just a day before the massive Iceland Crisis that wiped billions of pounds off the balance sheets of many UK Local Authorities.

Many of these cash strapped Local Authorities had invested in Iceland because of advice given to them by one of Michael Spencer’s firms — Butlers.

Shortly after getting a £200million bailout from HSBC and narrowly avoiding bankruptcy because of the Iceland debacle (unlike his local authority clients), Spencer donated a million pounds to the Tory party.

It was around this time that Spencer’s holding company IPGL paid for Cameron and Osborne to fly to Davos by private jet.

This revelation is all the more galling given that Cameron and Osborne are known to have shaped regulation to favour HSBC and Spencer’s ICAP and torpedoed investigations into both firms both in the UK and the USA.

Some anti-corruption researchers and campaigners raised this issue with the HSBC board at the Bank’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in London on Friday but were sidelined.

The Canary have run a piece on the scandal which has received zero pick-up in the mainstream press.

For more info on Spencer read this article by the excellent I am Incorrigible :

[contentcards url=”https://imincorrigible.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/the-rank-hypocrisy-of-political-donations/”]


British media prefer Marine Le Pen to Jeremy Corbyn DESPITE ALMOST IDENTICAL ECONOMIC ARGUMENTS


Rupert Murdoch prefers Marine Le Pen to Jeremy Corbyn as she is, like himself, a racist anti-EU campaigner.

But if you forget about race and look at international trade and financial markets — her views are much more like Corbyn’s than Murdoch’s.

She’s a protectionist.

This is the same direction opportunist Theresa May is now taking when she steals Labour policies.

But May is still a ruthless Tory – paying off her friends in the finance sector while saying she will protect the NHS and public services.


Nigel Farage was allowed to open the door to ‘populism’ in the UK and, having achieved his aim of getting Britain out of the EU, he is now openly supporting Marine Le Pen.

I wrote about his interview with Le Pen a few months ago which was remarkable because till Brexit he avoided being seen in her company for fear of being called a fascist.

The interview was also interesting because Le Pen referred to how much more similar Theresa May’s policies now are to the Front National’s — and not to Emmanuel Macron’s.

This was even more remarkable for Le Pen because Macron had just been invited to visit Downing Street and she hadn’t.

Downing Street failed to get friendly with Trump before November and now, yet again, they are slow to get to know Le Pen.

[contentcards url=”http://londonconversation.com/news/farage-openly-promoting-marine-le-pen/”]

But either way, as alluded to in the previous post, Le Pen’s differences with Trump, Farage and Murdoch, and similarity with Corbyn can be summed up in one word: DEREGULATION


Today’s Murdoch-owned Times quotes Marine Le Pen’s father, Jean Marie Le Pen, who founded the Front National, as saying she must act like Murdoch’s friend — Donald Trump.

[contentcards url=”https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/world/marine-can-win-if-she-acts-more-like-donald-says-father-52pgr3rh7″]

Mr Le Pen’s anti-semitism is not even mentioned till the eighth sentence.

The very idea that other racism might exist in France is not alluded to even once.

Murdochs and Trumps

Unlike the Blairs before them, we know the Murdochs and the Trumps still get on.

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4203726/Ivanka-Trump-trustee-Murdoch-s-daughters-trust.html”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/14/520080606/murdoch-and-trump-an-alliance-of-mutual-interest”]

[contentcards url=”https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/feb/09/rupert-murdoch-was-in-room-for-michael-goves-donald-trump-interview”]

Many Brexiteers love Le Pen as she is anti-immigrant and anti-EU.

Here is Donald Trump Jr retweeting his dad’s friend Nigel Farage:

Here’s the actual video:

Deregulation – The Elephant in the Room

Like Murdoch and unlike Corbyn, Le Pen uses immigration to divide.

Lots of people in the UK are now sceptical about Globalisation – many vote UKIP, Labour, Green, and SNP.

By stealing Labour policies and rhetoric the Tories are picking up plenty of ex-UKIP votes.

With the media’s help they try to convince voters that Blair, Cameron and even Corbyn are far too metropolitan and somehow un-British, and that we  should all get back in touch with our socially conservative inner-Tory.

Many of these voters are against excessive immigration and open borders.

Which Corbyn and Lib Dems are seen as soft on.

We’re constantly told that we want a strong leader. Like May, Trump, or Le Pen.

Now is Le Pen’s time because she goes one further than Corbyn, Sturgeon, Lucas and even Theresa May.

For Le Pen is both fully racist and fully anti-capitalist — wanting total protection of both borders and markets.

She needs to solve France’s unemployment and lack of productivity without acknowledging that the EU has historically protected its borders and markets (often to benefit France!)

Is Le Pen more scared of the Eastern Europeans who’ve used free movement since communism fell; the refugees from US / UK / Coalition operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria; or of immigrants who’ve moved to France not because of the EU but because of France’s own kleptocratic African, Asian and Caribbean  adventures?


Unlike Trump, Farage and Murdoch — and very much like Corbyn — Le Pen is fervently anti-Deregulation.

Farage ran a very confused Brexit campaign that focused on Brussels’ authoritarianism and ignored the degree to which Brussels had been infiltrated and in many ways captured by the City of London’s lobby group.

For evidence of this lobbying just look at the EU -US trade agreement TTIP.

This policy was announced by Obama and Cameron in Northern Ireland at the G7 / G8 meeting in 2013 and would have harmonised food, labour and environmental regulation on both sides of the Atlantic.

It’s precisely that model of Anglo-Saxon style capitalism that Le Pen and Corbyn both reject.

Farage just pretended to hate it. He is actually a big fan of the financial services lobby. It’s where he gets his cash.

But still, lots of Brexit campaigners, including Farage, jumped on the momentum that had been generated by the Anti-TTIP movement to push for Brexit.

In France, Le Pen used TTIP to push for her own election.

This is the most irresponsible manner in the way the French election is being covered here in the UK.

There is not enough parallel context being drawn with the UK political scene..

Is Le Pen being praised by the British press simply because our newspaper owners think she is a bit like Theresa May?

EU debate

The way the European Central Bank is run is severely flawed but little discussion of its policies are permitted to take place at any level.

Therefore even though  many people know there is a problem,  our media and politicians don’t permit us the space to discuss it.

Many Labour and Lib Dems seemed to have swallowed deregulation whole and by aggressively campaigning to remain in the EU didn’t permit debate of its flaws.

Jeremy Corbyn  was an exception to that as he said he was against TTIP and deregulation. But he wasn’t given the platform that he deserved.

He was co-opted by the Remain camp.

His biggest failing on Europe was that he didn’t take more of a stand in public over TTIP.

Despite letting people know his views on Trident and Bombing Syria Corbyn never engaged in a public debate with his party about TTIP and so the deregulation lobbyists captured the entire debate.

They’re doing the same with the NHS and PFI.

So despite having some great ideas about taking back control, Corbyn’s project is being treated as a joke while Le Pen’s is taken seriously.

Corbyn’s patriotism is being rejected by the tax-avoiding foreign-owned media in favour of Theresa May’s lies which are designed to mask the looting of the UK public sector by the financial services sector.

Will Labour come up with a plan to save the NHS by prosecuting bankers for fraudulent PFI?

I asked them that very question this week and have been told Labour’s  PFI announcements are due later in the campaign.

I suggested that we need ideas circulating asap in order to persuade people to ignore the spin. But so far no reply.

It’s now or never. I’m still waiting.












PFI Fraud: Labour need to debate Solution


Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party needs to have an urgent debate about how to resolve billions of pounds of New Labour’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI) debts, according to a leading PFI research expert.

PFI was conjured up by John Major’s Government but deployed by New Labour on a grand scale.

Overcharging on PFI projects has meant the British taxpayer has  given away billions of pounds to the Private Sector that the government itself could have borrowed for far cheaper by issuing its own bonds.

“We cannot continue to expose the flaws in PFI, have a review and do nothing. More radical action is essential for which there is wide public support. The public cost of PFI buyouts, bailouts and terminations plus the extra cost of private finance and higher PFI transaction costs is £28bn – enough to build 1,520 new secondary schools for two million pupils.” says Dexter Whitfield of the European Services Strategy Unit.



PFI has allowed successive governments to pay for schools, hospitals, motorways and various military and government buildings without the borrowing showing up in the the government’s annual spending.

The borrowing is hidden off balance sheet so the government is able to look as though it is building projects for much cheaper than the real cost of the project — in other words PFI is based on accounting tricks.

However no major politician, including John McDonnell or Jeremy Corbyn, talks seriously about investigating, prosecuting  or jailing PFI  fraudsters — let alone  recovering the proceeds of crime.

I asked Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell’s office to contribute to this piece but I have been told to wait till later in the campaign for their PFI policy.

PFI Schools

Last week Jonathan Owen wrote the following piece on the exorbitant cost of PFI schools for the Times Educational Supplement (possibly paywalled):

[contentcards url=”https://www.tes.com/news/tes-magazine/tes-magazine/ps8k-a-blind-ps2k-a-tap-true-cost-pfi?amp”]

Here is the shorter form article (not paywalled):

[contentcards url=”https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/breaking-news/exclusive-ps8k-a-blind-ps2k-a-tap-true-cost-pfi”]

Neither piece names the firms who have been getting rich by overcharging the taxpayer.

However Jonathan Owen  hasn’t always been shy about naming greedy PFI contractors (this from 2015) :

[contentcards url=”http://www.independent.co.uk/money/loans-credit/crippling-pfi-deals-leave-britain-222bn-in-debt-10170214.html”]

But no names were mentioned in 2016 either:

[contentcards url=”http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/pfi-deals-will-cost-taxpayers-209bn-over-next-35-years-a6966986.html”]

Interserve strikes Back

Interserve are one of the profiteering PFI firms — it was announced today that  they’ve just won contracts to build more schools in Leeds and South Wales.

[contentcards url=”https://www.digitallook.com/news/news-and-announcements/interserve–2634294.html”]

Interserve Healthcare Services

Interserve were also heading the consortium to take over Cancer services in Stoke:

[contentcards url=”http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/nhs-bosses-move-forward-with-controversial-cancer-services-sell-off/story-29994121-detail/story.html”]

But that appears to have just fallen through:

[contentcards url=”https://wellards.co.uk/whats-new/687m-cancer-and-end-of-life-tender-process-fails”]

Dexter Whitfield

Dexter Whitfield – PFI researcher and expert – made the following statement:

The TES article on the operational costs of PFI school contracts again highlight the financial scams employed by PFI contractors to maximise their profits at the expense of education and healthcare.
But it also exposes the fundamental structural and financial flaws in PFI projects which have become an albatross for schools and hospitals – high debt burden, offshore profiteering and weak accountability. Interserve’s new PFI schools contract in Wales illustrates how PFI rolls on unabated.
We cannot continue to expose the flaws in PFI, have a review and do nothing. More radical action is essential for which there is wide public support. The public cost of PFI buyouts, bailouts and terminations plus the extra cost of private finance and higher PFI transaction costs is £28bn – enough to build 1,520 new secondary schools for two million pupils(1).
I strongly recommend the People v Barts PFI campaign proposal to nationalise the Special Purpose companies that build and operate PFI projects be supported and developed by the Labour Party (2).







Head of NHS England Simon Stevens may be prosecuted by the Department of Justice for defrauding the US taxpayer of hundreds of millions of dollars


Defrauding Families in the UK

The following story about overcharging at private care homes appeared on page 2 of yesterday’s Daily Mail – before the announcement of the ‘snap election’:

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4419770/Watchdog-launches-probe-wholly-unfair-fees.html”]

Similar Strategy in the US

This story has many similarities to  the US Department of Justice’s investigation into US Health Insurer United Health’s pilfering of the American public purse in its Medicare programme.

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/business/dealbook/unitedhealthcare-improperly-took-money-from-medicare-suit-says.html?_r=0″]

Simon Stevens

The man who ran the Medicare programme when UnitedHealth allegedly overcharged the American taxpayer by hundreds of millions of dollars was Simon Stevens – current head of NHS England.

According to his current LinkedIn Profile, Stevens was Chief Executive Officer, UnitedHealthcare Medicare between 2006 – 2009

His CV goes on to say:

America’s leading seniors health company, with $30 billion revenues and serving one-in-five Medicare beneficiaries nationwide in partnership with AARP – the world’s largest voluntary organization. Launched the largest Medicare Part D benefits plan, also managing the largest Medicare-focused PBM.

Here’s a screenshot from LinkedIn: 


Conflict of Interests

So if Simon Stevens knew about the multimillion dollar fraud cases that took place on his watch – did he  declare or disclose any of this to Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, or to NHS England?

It is now in the public interest for all correspondence between Simon Stevens, NHS England and Jeremy Hunt prior to his 2014 appointment to be made public.

Corporate Takeover

Stevens advised the Department of Health and Blair throughout the period when the NHS was using PFI to build hospitals. So he basically aided and abetted the bankruptcy of the NHS and now looks to be finishing off the job.

Election Issue

This ought to be an election issue. I hope Shadow Health secretary John Ashworth raises this conflict of interests during the campaign.

Can such an individual be trusted to look after the NHS?

Is recent UK Care Home Fraud case similar to multimillion dollar USA fraud perpetrated by Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS England?



The following story about overcharging at private care homes appeared on page 2 of yesterday’s Daily Mail:

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4419770/Watchdog-launches-probe-wholly-unfair-fees.html”]

This story has many similarities to  the US Department of Justice’s investigation into US Health Insurer United Health’s pilfering of the American public purse in its Medicaid programme.

[contentcards url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/business/dealbook/unitedhealthcare-improperly-took-money-from-medicare-suit-says.html?_r=0″]

The man who ran the Medicaid programme when UnitedHealth allegedly overcharged the American taxpayer by multimillion dollar was Simon Stevens – current head of NHS England.

According to his LinkedIn Profile, Stevens was :


Chief Executive Officer, UnitedHealthcare Medicare

Dates Employed2006 – 2009

Employment Duration: 3 yrs

Location: USA

America’s leading seniors health company, with $30 billion revenues and serving one-in-five Medicare beneficiaries nationwide in partnership with AARP – the world’s largest voluntary organization. Launched the largest Medicare Part D benefits plan, also managing the largest Medicare-focused PBM.

If Simon Stevens knew about the fraud case – did he declare it?

And can he be trusted to look after the NHS?

Ex-EU Boss José Manuel Barroso to speak at FT Business of Luxury Conference in Lisbon


Next month former President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso will speak at a Financial Times conference on the Business of Luxury in Lisbon (see bottom of image below).

Barroso’s Lisbon speech will be in stark contrast to his role as Chairman of the UEFA Foundation for Children, designed to help underprivileged kids around the world.

[contentcards url=”https://live.ft.com/Events/2017/FT-Business-of-Luxury”]

The May speaking engagement is much more in line with his role as Chairman of another organisation — the mega-powerful US Investment Bank for the Ultra Ultra High Net Worth: Goldman Sachs  aka Government Sachs aka the Vampire Squid.

Goldman was first labelled the Vampire Squid, due to their parasitic nature, in this 2010 Matt Taibbi article for Rolling Stone Magazine:

[contentcards url=”http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-great-american-bubble-machine-20100405″]

The conflict of interests have not gone unnoticed:

Barroso was severely criticised for joining a bank that had so mercilessly profited  from destabilising the Euro, particularly through its dealings with Greece,  only 20 months after leaving the top job in European politics..

Revolving Door

Tony Blair received some stick for working for JP Morgan after leaving office.

Ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder , who works for Rothschild, was once referred to as a “political prostitute” by US Democrat Congressman Tom Lantos for objecting to the Iraq War but then  taking money off Vladimir Putin.

Euro architect and former ECB Chief Economist Otmar Issing moved to Goldman Sachs in 2006, just months after leaving the ECB.

And Mario Draghi, current head of the European Central Bank was at Goldman while they were making mega profits out of hiding Greece’s debt from the Greek public and from the ECB itself.

[contentcards url=”http://www.politico.eu/article/mario-draghi-ecb-trichet-bank-financial-crisis-economy/”]

Barroso himself argued that as the  minimum 18 months cooling off period had passed he should be allowed to join Goldman.

If times get tough, then maybe the Obamas will head for Wall Street or the British Virgin Islands too.

[contentcards url=”https://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/richard-vs-barack-kiteboard-and-foilboard-challenge”]

Meanwhile here’s Barroso  talking about a multi-speed Europe







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