on Oct 2, 2018
1128 views 7 mins

Behaviouralist Bants So I thought Skinner was the bad guy. The really mechanistic one. Or was it Watson? Who said we are basically all the same and that our feelings and personal stories don’t really matter. That there is no such thing as experience. That we are all automatons. The one who put his daughter […]

on Nov 20, 2016
972 views 39 secs

ALEC The American Legislative Exchange Council are in the ascendant. Most Brits don’t even know who they are. But they hold the real clout around here. Trump Aide: Japanese Internment Camps are Precedent for a Muslim Registry   White America rejects American Values Trump voters claim not to be racist but many voted to deport Latinos […]

on Sep 7, 2016
235 views 6 mins

Attention This week Japan wrote an open letter threatening Britain with divorce. The Japanese government said its firms could quit UK over Brexit-related uncertainty. [gview file=”http://londonconversation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/japan-letter-1.pdf”] And the Financial Times advised British companies to pay attention. A Call to ARMs But despite this, Japan’s SoftBank snapped up Britain’s largest technology firm. What is going on? Is ARM so strategic that SoftBank […]