on Jun 13, 2019
1698 views 3 mins

Andrew Bailey remains the favourite to take over at the Bank of England. Despite being complicit in billions of pounds of fraud at the Financial Conduct Authority. Dishonest journalists have given him an easy ride.

on Apr 29, 2018
2138 views 5 mins

By Ranjan Balakumaran Biased Sheila The deputy head of Ofcom – the BBC’s regulator – Baroness Noakes, has been done for anti-Labour tweeting in the past. She has consistently voted with the Government for Brexit in the Lords and is therefore too biased to regulate the BBC. She shouldn’t be allowed to back the Government […]

on Apr 29, 2018
163 views 2 mins

Head of Remain, Lord Adonis, who has called out the BBC for favouring Brexit is now accusing Tory Baroness Noakes, Deputy Chair of OFCOM, of serious conflicts of interest.

on Mar 3, 2018
1757 views 8 mins

PLEASE WATCH THIS 5 MINUTE VIDEO Bloomberg has just shown that the May Government’s proposals to shut the Serious Fraud Office are part of the UK’s post Brexit offer of Corruption-as-a-Service. UK territories already include tax havens like Jersey and the Cayman Islands, so why not go the whole way and get rid of fraud […]

on Feb 3, 2018
1197 views 8 mins

Do we live in a truly decadent age? Can anyone get away with anything? These are questions I feel compelled to ask after watching just a few minutes of Howard Davies and Ross McEwan, of the taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), giving evidence before last Tuesday’s Parliamentary Treasury Select Committee. To not, as a society, […]