on Jul 6, 2016
116 views 3 mins

It is well known that Tony Blair has friends in high places and that, legally speaking, he knows how to get away with anything. Teflon Tony He is known as Teflon Tony because, although bad things are said about him, nothing ever sticks. His greatest skill is his ability to use the legal system to […]

on Jun 3, 2016
165 views 54 secs

If the UK votes for Brexit, Dr Liam Fox, the disgraced ex-Defence Minister responsible for getting the UK involved in conflict in Libya and Syria before being sacked for Cronyism in 2011, could become Prime Minister. Is this really happening? Fox & NHS Tory Leavers now openly refer to Brexit as being our best chance of […]

on May 8, 2016
101 views 6 secs

Why should we continue to pay to protect Tony Blair from the vengeance of those he has wronged? In a recent response to a Freedom of Information Request the Home Office have refused to confirm or deny that they spend a single penny of their budget on protecting Tony Blair. This is on the grounds […]