on Dec 1, 2017
3107 views 2 mins

The Polarizers: Postwar Architects of Our Partisan Era–out in Dec, avail. now for pre-order. Stuff those stockings. https://t.co/FTG2giKggz — Sam Rosenfeld (@sam_rosenfeld) September 17, 2017 Polarizers by Sam Rosenfeld After WW2 Democrats and Republicans agreed on most issues. Each party was a broad church — there was diversity on both sides. But in the 50s […]

on Feb 2, 2017
1242 views 26 secs

Max Keiser says Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Seduces Unions Max Keiser tells how Trump is seducing unions with his infrastructure plans and dropping TPP. Max Keiser to run in North Carolina In mid-January Max Keiser said he will announce his official candidacy for Congress in March. Trump the Autocrat David Frum, author of George W Bush’s […]