on Jan 5, 2022
187 views 24 secs

Hogarth exhibition at Tate Britain and Jonathan Wild the Thief Taker General

on Oct 20, 2019
337 views 14 mins

It is testament to the Billionaire BBC and Press Baron propaganda machine that Letwin was lauded by thousands in Central London for appearing to block Boris’ Brexit and all the deregulation that will come with it, when nothing could be further from the truth.

on Oct 2, 2018
1126 views 7 mins

Behaviouralist Bants So I thought Skinner was the bad guy. The really mechanistic one. Or was it Watson? Who said we are basically all the same and that our feelings and personal stories don’t really matter. That there is no such thing as experience. That we are all automatons. The one who put his daughter […]

on Nov 3, 2017
1531 views 6 mins

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose FT political leader writer, Sebastian Payne recently referred to the Conservative Party’s pre-eminent post-war philosopher — Michael Oakeshott. In quoting Michael Oakeshott, @ProfTimBale nails why there’s something conservative in being sceptical about Brexit https://t.co/l1uBxkscO1 pic.twitter.com/jjhhZCo5d4 — Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) September 22, 2017 So why do Tories love […]

on Oct 11, 2017
1710 views 4 mins

Nudge Richard Thaler has just been awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics. He’s best known for co-authoring the bestseller Nudge with Cass Sunstein in 2007. Sunstein went on to become President Obama’s Regulatory Czar while Thaler provided the ideas for Oliver Letwin’s Behavioural Insights or “Nudge” unit. Here Letwin, a former Thatcher adviser who wrote […]

on Aug 7, 2016
128 views 9 secs

The Sunday Times claim a leaked document has revealed that David Cameron and Oliver Letwin wanted to “cap taxes for the banks”. According to the leaked memo Letwin endorsed Cameron’s plans for an “aggregated City tax take” which would have prevented the government from increasing the banking levy. The cap on the banking levy was proposed […]

on Jul 6, 2016
117 views 3 mins

It is well known that Tony Blair has friends in high places and that, legally speaking, he knows how to get away with anything. Teflon Tony He is known as Teflon Tony because, although bad things are said about him, nothing ever sticks. His greatest skill is his ability to use the legal system to […]

on Jun 3, 2016
165 views 54 secs

If the UK votes for Brexit, Dr Liam Fox, the disgraced ex-Defence Minister responsible for getting the UK involved in conflict in Libya and Syria before being sacked for Cronyism in 2011, could become Prime Minister. Is this really happening? Fox & NHS Tory Leavers now openly refer to Brexit as being our best chance of […]