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Vatican Stonewalls UK Child Sex Abuse Inquiry

In Archive
September 26, 2019

Market As God

Pro-European Margaret Thatcher famously said There is No Alternative (TINA) — that austerity, deregulation, liberalisation, and privatisation, i.e. the magic of the marketplace was the way to go.

This approach paved the way for the financialised, paedophilic, tech-centric, attention deficit, political war machine society in which we all currently reside.

As PM Thatcher effectively ran a Cabinet in which the culture of rampant paedophilia we now take for granted became very much the norm.

As her plan for denationalisation took shape, there was supposed to be at least a semblance of audit and regulation of the soon to be deregulated institutions.

Hundreds of regulatory bodies sprung up overnight. One for every sector and subsector. Some public, some private, some in between. But who was overseeing them? Anybody?

Some say in the UK the National Health Service (NHS) is akin to religion.

But so is Thatcherism, in which privatisation, profits & paedophiles go hand in hand.

And of the paedophiles and their accomplices operating with quasi-impunity one need look no further than Thatcher’s own cabinet whose message to the victims of paedophilia about the suffering that they had experienced really couldn’t have been clearer:


Klaus Töpfer, former executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, speaking of efficiency and equity at the 2001 UNFCC Meeting in Marrakesh said that the Climate Change Convention was not simply about “Conservation and Pollution Abatement” but also:

the transformations that will bring about greater efficiency in the use of resources and greater equity in access to them. The market is a guide to efficiency. But governmental intervention and corporate responsibility are necessary to promote equity. Without equity, the fruits of efficiency will not endure. This is not just a convention on the global environment. It is a convention on the sustainable development of the global economy.

When Thatcher and her profit-seeking, privatising, paedophilic chums set about “fixing” the economy claiming that there was no alternative they adopted the language of religion, power, academia and the military and yet offered no protection to the children whom they and their friends so frequently impoverished, drugged and raped.

When allegations of paedophilia at Kincora, a children’s home in Northern Ireland, surfaced in 1983, a cabinet meeting was called and many of the people we now know to have been involved in various sex scandals, including paedophilic ones were sat around the table, what do you think their attitude was to the victims?

Did they call for immediate inquiries and for heads to roll?

Or did they call for business as usual and let’s keep this all hush hush?

In 2015 Amnesty International’s Northern Ireland Chief said, “Allegations have persisted that paedophilia at Kincora was linked to British intelligence services, with claims that visitors to the home included members of the military, politicians and civil servants, and that police investigations into abuse at Kincora were blocked by the Ministry of Defence and MI5.”

The following story which appears in today’s Times implies the Vatican is not co-operating with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse —but Kincora will not be discussed either.

The entire operation has been stage managed so as to allow the paedophiles, many of who are still alive, to escape, and in some cases to continue to claim their innocence with full Tory support.

The language of the market and of religion have long been pointed out as being very similar.

When it comes to paedophilic cover-ups and sinners and escaping unscathed, this parallel remains very real.

Worshipping the Market or the Nation can only lead to this type of psychopathy.