Home > Archive 86 views 27 secs 0 comments MAPPA / Stalking Register In Archive April 27, 2021 These tweets appeared at the same time about the Domestic Abuse Bill https://twitter.com/emmlaur/status/1383171205558108166?s=20 @nazirafzal @BBCWorldatOne about misogyny, perpetrators, domestic violence and stalking. Thanks for supporting my amendment 73 #DomesticAbuseBill which would legislate for a perpetrators’ strategy within MAPPA+ This is desperately needed to protect women and free them from fear— Janet Royall (@LabourRoyall) March 11, 2021 Domestic abuse & stalking are not seen as serious crime. Even the most serious cases are not heard at MAPPA. We must change this. And we have never said we want a separate register @AlexChalkChelt @RobertBuckland @pritipatel #HerNameWasMariaStubbings #HerNameWasSabineRappold https://t.co/OOQazGUKMJ— Laura Richards BSc, MSc, MBPsS (@laurarichards99) June 23, 2020 #DomesticAbuseBill Third defeat of the night for government on Amendment 73 – Monitoring of serial and serious harm domestic abuse and stalking perpetrators under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements #MAPPA https://t.co/QwLNt5DoaZ— Natalie Bennett (@natalieben) March 15, 2021 You mentioned you cannot refer DA & stalking cases to MAPPA. Can you elaborate Gordo? Here’s the report detailing 30 cases. Sadly I have hundreds more – review after review – nothing has changed https://t.co/WnxPh5kdKQ— Laura Richards BSc, MSc, MBPsS (@laurarichards99) February 10, 2021 Lords just passed an amendment to reform MAPPA and publish a da & stalking perpetrator strategy within a year!Wow!Many congratulations to @laurarichards99 who has been campaigning tirelessly on MAPPA and to all those organisations who have called for a strategy.All eyes on govt.— Veronica Oakeshott (@v_oakeshott) March 15, 2021 Yup. And he is not ‘potentially dangerous’ – he IS dangerous. Yet his behaviour most likely was seen as ‘low level nuisance behaviour’ (only women being targeted after all), word stalking not used but ‘roaming’ & he would not likely be raised at MAPPA or included on ViSOR 1/2— Laura Richards BSc, MSc, MBPsS (@laurarichards99) February 12, 2021