2 comments on “Craig Murray shows what bombed Lebanon looks like right now & SpyCops latest
    Warwick Sweeney

    The double standards employed by every uk media platform is ridiculous. As I watched Craig Murray showing us the desecrated piano I was haunted by the closing scenes from Polanski’s ‘The Pianist’ meanwhile the events the MSM wants to ram into our consciousness happened 80 years ago. This is how holocausts happen.

      Financial Eyes Post author

      I totally agree, Warwick. I think the Mehreen Khan article is interesting about the way Reeves is trashing Browns legacy. Though Brown did oversee hyperderegulation himself. Let’s not pretend that Epstein’s mate Mandelson doesn’t exist. He’s been accepted as our man in Washington, is a former EU competition commissioner, and is obviously advising Starmer. So the WEF Davos Bilderberg line is that UK has to lead the race to the bottom on regulation. And to think that Mandelson used to argue for being in the EU. This would have been for NATO reasons and not to protect us from chlorinated chicken or TTIP! ‍♂️

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