on Jun 5, 2022
144 views 6 mins

So Sir Keir & his fellow paedo lawyers can stop Britain being roused from its diet of 100% 24/7 360° surveillance & programme of subliminal military financialised pavlovian operant conditioning

on Oct 2, 2018
1126 views 7 mins

Behaviouralist Bants So I thought Skinner was the bad guy. The really mechanistic one. Or was it Watson? Who said we are basically all the same and that our feelings and personal stories don’t really matter. That there is no such thing as experience. That we are all automatons. The one who put his daughter […]

on Apr 15, 2018
1226 views 42 secs

Off Track Off Track is a recent report from Oil Change International on the future of Oil investments, as things stand, and why what is happening is so wrong. BP AGM 2018 In Friday’s edition of Amusing Ourselves to Death, Real Media flagged the BP switch to Manchester for their upcoming Shareholder Meeting. We hope […]

on Nov 8, 2017
1292 views 11 mins

Some people see meaning when it just isn’t there. But maybe it is – just not in the way you think. And who am I to presume what you’re (not) thinking? Start again. There is meaning. Perhaps more meaning. Than. I. Realised. But the pre-meditated, agenda-pushing, social engineering nature of this message may not be […]

on Nov 8, 2017
1112 views 51 secs

Virginia Acceptance Speech No outright mention of Charlottesville — but still a big speech in Virginia. The comments section is split with some calling it an Obama speech. Any reference to White Nationalism, Healing Wounds, or Affordable Care Act interpreted as outright Communism. All subtext in the USA! And why is the Virginia drawl so […]