on Jan 14, 2018
1524 views 8 mins

Davos In the third series of House of Cards, the President (played by Kevin Spacey) decides to create a New Deal-type jobs programme. A Keynesian stimulus — just like America First. This week’s Davos World Economic Forum is the perfect chance for Trump to talk up his protectionist programme: Trump’s only attending to stop President Xi […]

on May 1, 2017
4550 views 2 mins

Corrupt Money Launderers HSBC bankrolled David Cameron and George Osborne’s trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2009, it has emerged. The controversial lender lent the gaffe-prone billionaire bookie and former Tory Treasurer Michael Spencer £200 million pounds just a day before the massive Iceland Crisis that wiped billions of pounds off the balance sheets […]

on Aug 7, 2016
128 views 9 secs

The Sunday Times claim a leaked document has revealed that David Cameron and Oliver Letwin wanted to “cap taxes for the banks”. According to the leaked memo Letwin endorsed Cameron’s plans for an “aggregated City tax take” which would have prevented the government from increasing the banking levy. The cap on the banking levy was proposed […]

on May 8, 2016
146 views 53 secs

David Cameron has declared his ‘respect’ for Donald Trump — but most Britons haven’t forgotten the Bush/Blair relationship and fear another murderous Bromance. For the sake of context let it be known that neither the Bush family: nor religious Republican Speaker Paul Ryan are prepared to endorse Donald Trump: Yet Cameron openly states that Trump ‘deserves respect’ I wonder […]

on May 6, 2016
151 views 32 secs

The perversity of politics is such that neither the Bush family: nor the religious right-wing fundamentalist Paul Ryan: are willing to endorse Donald Trump: but UK Prime Minister David Cameron says he deserves our respect!