on Aug 26, 2019
935 views 15 mins

The one where “Boris” gets all Vichy-like on your ass.

on Apr 11, 2018
1383 views 8 mins

Monday’s Sun ran with Pro-Israel Maureen Lipman’s declaration that Jeremy Corbyn has turned her into a Tory. Lipman’s loyalty to Israel is no secret — she renounced Labour membership under Ed Miliband. The Sun might seem to speak up for Jews but, in the case of Ed Miliband, the son of Ralph Miliband, a prominent […]

on Dec 1, 2017
3106 views 2 mins

The Polarizers: Postwar Architects of Our Partisan Era–out in Dec, avail. now for pre-order. Stuff those stockings. https://t.co/FTG2giKggz — Sam Rosenfeld (@sam_rosenfeld) September 17, 2017 Polarizers by Sam Rosenfeld After WW2 Democrats and Republicans agreed on most issues. Each party was a broad church — there was diversity on both sides. But in the 50s […]

on Nov 30, 2017
3233 views 8 mins

For in the hand of Yahweh there is a cup, full of foaming wine mixed with spices. He pours it out. Indeed the wicked of the earth drink and drink it to its very dregs. Subliminal A friend and I recently agreed that Naomi Klein’s latest book No is not Enough appeals less to Brits than […]

on Jul 10, 2017
1137 views 20 secs

  Telegraph business section covering the Heygate and Haringey controversy today.  Real Media were at last Monday’s protest and will be releasing further interviews and a join the dots on the  taboo topic of geographical displacement this week.

on May 21, 2017
1302 views 43 secs

With no TV Debate – Manifestos do the Talking Embed from Getty Images When the facts change I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?  J.M Keynes. In a time of Information Overload, the Info-Arbitrageur is King. Tim Shipman of the Times refers to the increasingly decreasing gap between Tories and Labour. There’s no […]

on Apr 26, 2017
1454 views 10 mins

Rupert Murdoch prefers Marine Le Pen to Jeremy Corbyn as she is, like himself, a racist anti-EU campaigner. But if you forget about race and look at international trade and financial markets — her views are much more like Corbyn’s than Murdoch’s. She’s a protectionist. This is the same direction opportunist Theresa May is now taking when she […]

on Apr 19, 2017
1719 views 2 mins

Defrauding Families in the UK The following story about overcharging at private care homes appeared on page 2 of yesterday’s Daily Mail – before the announcement of the ‘snap election’: Similar Strategy in the US This story has many similarities to  the US Department of Justice’s investigation into US Health Insurer United Health’s pilfering of the American […]

on Jan 24, 2017
1220 views 4 mins

Tories to join forces with UKIP, say Huff Post sources The Conservative Party has struck a deal with UKIP and won’t field a candidate in the upcoming Stoke by-election, it was alleged yesterday. The story, reported by Martha Gill of the Huffington Post, has not yet been fully picked up by bigger media outlets. John […]

on Oct 31, 2016
194 views 39 secs

The Devolution agenda: Outsource the cuts. Outsource the liability for the much needed infrastructure spend. Overrule councils if they dont do as they’re told. Otherwise give them full freedom. Freedom to get into debt. To sign LOBOs and PFI deals. And interest rate hedging products. Embedded derivatives. Swaps. Bermudans. Callable. Floating Rate Notes. Inverse Floaters. […]

on Jul 12, 2016
146 views 2 mins

Jeremy Corbyn delighted Remain Boss, Roland Rudd, with his multiple TV appearances & speeches in the run-up to the EU referendum vote. Rudd admitted this on Bloomberg TV two days before the vote. The exact quote is at 3m 37s: Yet Angela Eagle, Hillary Benn, Chuka Umunna, & Seema Malhotra have repeatedly claimed Corbyn did […]