on Jun 13, 2019
1698 views 3 mins

Andrew Bailey remains the favourite to take over at the Bank of England. Despite being complicit in billions of pounds of fraud at the Financial Conduct Authority. Dishonest journalists have given him an easy ride.

on Oct 2, 2018
1104 views 7 mins

Behaviouralist Bants So I thought Skinner was the bad guy. The really mechanistic one. Or was it Watson? Who said we are basically all the same and that our feelings and personal stories don’t really matter. That there is no such thing as experience. That we are all automatons. The one who put his daughter […]

on Feb 3, 2018
1197 views 8 mins

Do we live in a truly decadent age? Can anyone get away with anything? These are questions I feel compelled to ask after watching just a few minutes of Howard Davies and Ross McEwan, of the taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), giving evidence before last Tuesday’s Parliamentary Treasury Select Committee. To not, as a society, […]

on May 1, 2017
4503 views 2 mins

Corrupt Money Launderers HSBC bankrolled David Cameron and George Osborne’s trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2009, it has emerged. The controversial lender lent the gaffe-prone billionaire bookie and former Tory Treasurer Michael Spencer £200 million pounds just a day before the massive Iceland Crisis that wiped billions of pounds off the balance sheets […]

on Mar 20, 2017
1430 views 2 mins

What is going on with Wall Street White Collar Crime in the Trump era? Hedge Fund Managers Never Die Sheelah Kolhatkar wrote an excellent article in The New Yorker this January. Her book, Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street, is all about the way the […]

on Mar 9, 2017
2312 views 6 mins

If you want to know what makes Britain tick, take a look at the Bank of England. Interlocking directorships and the Old Boy Network still dominate public life as its recent appointment of Charlotte Hogg reveals. But few media commentators ever refer to this as a problem. In a recent book – Trust, Power and Public Relations in Financial Markets, Dr Clea Bourne – refers […]

on Oct 30, 2016
120 views 2 mins

FCA accuse Sunday Telgraph of laundering RBS’s reputation as FCA continues to . . . launder RBS’s reputation.