on Jun 7, 2021
149 views 25 secs

G7 Tax Deal maintains illicit corporate financial flow

on Jul 21, 2016
292 views 6 mins

Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. Handing €1.1 trillion of public money to ANONYMOUS bankers with no publicly available audit trail is an act so corrupt as to be beyond comprehension. Yet that is what has happened to residents of that well known museum — the European Union. Inventing Money […]

on May 5, 2016
141 views 5 mins

The European Central Bank’s (ECB) monthly Quantitative Easing (QE) Programme prevents banks, pension funds, and insurance companies from accessing traditional low risk investments and forces them to take on more risk by buying lower quality investments. This has a serious knock-on effect: the more risk we take with our money the more recklessly large firms will behave in our name and the […]