on Nov 1, 2019
134 views 5 mins

Corporate Criminality is hard to prove and few whistleblowers tend to know their rights, so large scale corporate criminality tends to go unchecked.

on Apr 20, 2018
1454 views 2 mins

Lance Armstrong just settled a “$100m fraud suit” in the US, according to reports . He could have been forced to pay out $100m for having defrauded his team’s sponsor, the US Postal Service, but instead settled for $5m. His former team-mate Floyd Landis also doped but testified against him and will receive $1.1 million […]

on Feb 3, 2018
1227 views 8 mins

Do we live in a truly decadent age? Can anyone get away with anything? These are questions I feel compelled to ask after watching just a few minutes of Howard Davies and Ross McEwan, of the taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), giving evidence before last Tuesday’s Parliamentary Treasury Select Committee. To not, as a society, […]