Some of the people who benefitted from the WikiLeaks pioneered collaborative journalism model appear to be very much in the pocket of the CIA.
That much can be said of the Obermaiers who were the investigative journalists behind PanamaPapers.
Yes there was incriminating evidence published against Volodomyr Zelensky and Ihor Kolomoisky but for some reason nobody talks about that any more.
Obermaier even says in his post below that he and his German colleagues have been trying to find arms dealer Karl Lee ( who I’d never heard of) and that the FBI has put a “$5million bounty on his head”.
So we are in the realm of bounty hunter journalism. Where the journos are as bad as the guys they hunt. It’s all about the money. Obermaier says that Karl Lee has helped Iran attack Israel. What would he have said were it the other way around?
When I see white German journos team up with the FBI to do PR for the USA and Israel, I know that the mercenaries have taken over. #OperationPaperclip
Of course the Obermaiers get attention for adopting the opposite political stance than WikiLeaks did, but are happy to use the techniques WikiLeaks pioneered.
Same goes for Bellingcat.
I’m no expert in these fields but it seems obvious to me that just as you have cyber warfare so too do you have the public information space.
Hearts and Minds.
When the USA changes its mind about who is its friend and who isn’t, the journos and other professionals have to play along. You aren’t allowed to have a memory or to criticise. That is why I hate the game. The hypocrisy costs lives. If people stood up to and called out the inconsistencies then maybe less people would be killed.
As long as cowards like Obermaier push racist book titles like “The Chinese Phantom” we are doomed.
Maybe similar things were written about the likes of Carlos the Jackal in the 70s, but he was an actual contract killer. I don’t know enough about Karl Lee to comment. Unfortunately most of the info that will flood our channels will be produced by FBI friend Frederik Obermaier.
Having looked up a little about Karl Lee I don’t get the impression he is a nice man, nor was Kolomoisky, but they still let him pull Zelensky’s strings and start a war with Russia.
So when do these people’s interests intersect?
The FBI and CIA might not like Karl Lee, but to those who are attempting to resist US imperialism in Palestine he may be viewed as a benign figure.
Seeing things from only one point of view gets a little tiring after a while.