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ELECTION POLLS: when the denialism had to stop @Wiki_Ballot Introduction to the 4 Pamphleteers by Roger Lewis ( Porthos) @GrubStreetJorno @Survation @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @DavidGolemXIV @JoeBlob20 #IABATO #TheSlog #GrubStreetJournal

ELECTION POLLS: when the denialism had to stop @Wiki_Ballot Introduction to the 4 Pamphleteers by Roger Lewis ( Porthos) @GrubStreetJorno @Survation @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @DavidGolemXIV @JoeBlob20 #IABATO #TheSlog #GrubStreetJournal

ELECTION POLLS: when the denialism had to stop @Wiki_Ballot Introduction to the 4 Pamphleteers by Roger Lewis ( Porthos) @GrubStreetJorno @Survation @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @DavidGolemXIV @JoeBlob20 #IABATO #TheSlog #GrubStreetJournal

— Read on longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/2019/11/08/election-polls-when-the-denialism-had-to-stop/

One comment on “ELECTION POLLS: when the denialism had to stop @Wiki_Ballot Introduction to the 4 Pamphleteers by Roger Lewis ( Porthos) @GrubStreetJorno @Survation @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @DavidGolemXIV @JoeBlob20 #IABATO #TheSlog #GrubStreetJournal
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