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on May 26, 2024
229 views 9 mins

A Session Between Lord Curzon and Major Leahy Setting: A grand office in London during the 1920s. The room is filled with opulent furniture, shelves of medical books, and various pieces of art from India. Major Leahy, a jovial and robust man with a noticeable limp, sits behind his large wooden desk. Across from him […]

on May 28, 2018
3462 views 13 mins

Sharon White, head of the BBC’s Regulator, Ofcom Last week I contacted Sharon White, boss of Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, to inform her of her subordinate Chris Wynn’s aggressive attempts to curtail my activities. What I’ve since learned has profoundly changed the way I view establishment coverups and corporate corruption. Scope Creep Chris Wynn, had […]

on Apr 22, 2018
1003 views 3 mins

What a funny week we’ve had: Wages, Inflation, Sterling, Labour shocks, Enoch Powell, Windrush, Home Office, Deportations, Andrew Neil and David Goodhart, Nick Timothy, Hostile Environment, Modi, Gove, Mode4, The Times, ALEC, Cambridge Analytica, Barbara Bush, Basic Income, Biometrics, Aadhaar, Syria, Peter Hitchens, Owen Jones, Amelia Gentleman and Jo Johnson, Amber Rudd, Caroline Nokes, Mick […]

on Apr 20, 2018
1351 views 2 mins

Lance Armstrong just settled a “$100m fraud suit” in the US, according to reports . He could have been forced to pay out $100m for having defrauded his team’s sponsor, the US Postal Service, but instead settled for $5m. His former team-mate Floyd Landis also doped but testified against him and will receive $1.1 million […]

on Apr 15, 2018
1115 views 42 secs

Off Track Off Track is a recent report from Oil Change International on the future of Oil investments, as things stand, and why what is happening is so wrong. BP AGM 2018 In Friday’s edition of Amusing Ourselves to Death, Real Media flagged the BP switch to Manchester for their upcoming Shareholder Meeting. We hope […]

on Apr 15, 2018
962 views 5 mins

Finally a smoking gun. UKIP paid Steve Bannon’s Cambridge Analytica to swing Brexit. Carole Cadwalladr and Peter Jukes have been tweeting about Brexit and outside interference for some time. But this invoice, showing that UKIP paid Cambridge Analytica, says it all. BREAKING: Invoice shows Cambridge Analytica did do work on Brexit. A year of denials […]

on Apr 13, 2018
1312 views 2 mins

Look who’s coming to Manchester! Oil Giant BP are to hold their Annual Shareholder meeting in Manchester on May 21st. Have your say! Share Action are willing to hold an AGM workshop in Manchester in the first week of May. This is a great opportunity for anti-fracking campaigners  to tell Global Oil industry executives how […]

on Apr 11, 2018
1355 views 8 mins

Monday’s Sun ran with Pro-Israel Maureen Lipman’s declaration that Jeremy Corbyn has turned her into a Tory. Lipman’s loyalty to Israel is no secret — she renounced Labour membership under Ed Miliband. The Sun might seem to speak up for Jews but, in the case of Ed Miliband, the son of Ralph Miliband, a prominent […]

on Mar 18, 2018
961 views 5 mins

The Hardy Tree Photo by Adrian Snood Levelled Churchyard Levelled Churchyard was written by Thomas Hardy in 1882. Based on his time as an apprentice architect, the poem gives a voice to the souls whose bodies he exhumed to make way for the construction of the Midland Railway. Their gravestones are lined up like dominoes, next to The […]

on Aug 20, 2017
1080 views 23 secs

What links the 222 million Euros Qatari-owned Paris Saint Germain paid Football Club Barcelona for a footballer by the name of Neymar with unconventional oil, gas, and monetary policy, and an obscure mathematical function derived by a 19th Century German Professor named Weierstrass? Market manipulation 

on Aug 9, 2017
939 views 36 secs

According to the Wall Street Journal Donald Trump plans to combat the US opioid crisis.  It was only the other day that Janet Yellen, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, mentioned that the opioid crisis was undermining the US labor market.  How funny that a hundred years after the British imposed the opium war on China […]

on Jul 21, 2017
972 views 10 secs

Just as Ian Fraser says that his book Shredded about the Royal Bank of Scotland is not just about RBS but really a prism through which to interpret lapses in UK financial regulation, nor is Donald Trump’s presidency really just about Trump the man or even the office he finds himself in but how a […]

on Jul 10, 2017
1110 views 3 mins

  Plaque to honor the original Alms Houses on which the Hermitage Street development is built I wonder if the new development on Hermitage Street in Paddington, Westminster, where this picture was taken has any affordable or social housing.  And has the ongoing social cleansing of London reached Peak-Cleanse?  The Dutch had a policy in […]

on Jul 10, 2017
1069 views 20 secs

  Telegraph business section covering the Heygate and Haringey controversy today.  Real Media were at last Monday’s protest and will be releasing further interviews and a join the dots on the  taboo topic of geographical displacement this week.

on Jul 2, 2017
947 views 4 mins

Michael Gove,  Minister for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, twice referred to a five year parliament as he started to backtrack on the Government’s austerity programme during this morning’s Andrew Marr politics show. At no point did Andrew Marr pull the Gove up on his error.  This could have just been a double oversight on […]

on May 14, 2017
1031 views 22 secs

I came across this book whilst researching an interview with David Whyte who has a new book called The Violence of Austerity which he edited with Vickie Cooper. It’s straight-talking and more relevant than ever given the ongoing collusion between the state and corporations.

on Mar 2, 2016
78 views 4 secs

Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson say we should get out of the EU and sign our own trade deals with USA, India & China. That Brussels shouldn’t negotiate anything on our behalf. But despite all this talking about trade they never use the terms TTIP, CETA or TiSA. Even David Cameron — the biggest defender […]

on Mar 2, 2016
88 views 20 secs

No More Change to FOI The BBC rarely responds to Freedom of Information Requests. But it sends them. Newsnight Presenter Chris Cook uses FOI but hides when quizzed himself. BBC refuse to reveal Chris Cook’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

on Mar 2, 2016
89 views 6 secs

Civil Service Chief Heywood gets a grilling over EU Bias #Brexit #NoTTIP

on Mar 1, 2016
84 views 0 secs
on Mar 1, 2016
101 views 0 secs
on Mar 1, 2016
72 views 10 secs

Trichet says “Ireland saved herself” and that there was no pressure from Frankfurt! Not sure if anyone believes him. #megabackdoorbailout

on Mar 1, 2016
74 views 0 secs
on Mar 1, 2016
71 views 17 secs

Sir Jeremy Heywood, aka Sir Cover-Up is being grilled by the Public Administration Select Committee over the decision to prevent Brexit ministers from accessing EU papers. Jenkin is a Eurosceptic. Should be fun. #brexit #nottip

on Feb 29, 2016
93 views 11 secs

What makes a successful work environment? a. Furniture b. Wallpaper c. Acoustics What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

on Feb 27, 2016
98 views 33 secs

Linda Kaucher of Stop TTIP joined us this evening to discuss CETA, TTIP, TISA and what is currently missing from the UK BREXIT debate. Linda uses and explains several trade terms, concepts and rulings. Discussions also centred around the left’s unwillingness to campaign for BREXIT, despite the cheap labour implications implicit within the international trade […]

on Feb 27, 2016
104 views 7 secs

Dame Janet Smith’s much awaited Inquiry into the BBC’s systematic protection of VIP Paedophiles finally reported this week. However its release and impact have been overshadowed by #Brexit. Hats off to Peter Brookes for his sketch in today’s Times. Eric Gill designed the famous Gill font as well as the Prospero & Ariel sculpture outside […]

on Feb 25, 2016
95 views 4 secs

US trade negotiator: We don’t want ‘TTIP lite’

on Feb 25, 2016
95 views 11 secs

Tom Barlow, Political Editor of Real Media, discusses prospects for a Leftist BREXIT.

on Feb 15, 2016
71 views 7 secs

Tony Blair : un Brexit serait "extrêmement grave" by Europe1fr

on Feb 15, 2016
101 views 8 secs

Sir Roger Carr is the Deputy Chair of the BBC Trust and Chair of BAE Systems

on Feb 15, 2016
80 views 17 secs

Bill Gates talks with WSJ’s Rebecca Blumenstein at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, about digital technology and how genetically modified organisms are the key to ending hunger in Africa. #GMfood #TTIP #Gates #nosuchthingasafreegift

on Feb 15, 2016
85 views 7 secs

Malmstrom does her best to sell TTIP to a hostile crowd in Amsterdam. #TTIP #BREXIT

on Feb 15, 2016
80 views 7 secs

Tensions in Labour and Tory camps could lead to UK electorate voting to leave EU.

on Feb 15, 2016
75 views 37 secs

we’re concerned that buried in the small print of this there’s some quite sinister stuff going on that could fatally undermine our ability to act collectively to do things like protect the environment, protect our rights as workers as consumers in the safety of our food clean air clean water if doing that is likely […]

on Feb 15, 2016
72 views 1 sec
on Feb 15, 2016
95 views 24 secs

This year’s International Petroleum Conference took place last week. Russia Today were there: As the oil industry’s annual conference takes place in London predicting the price of oil remains a difficult task. Crude prices hit a twelve year low they stabilized on Wednesday but the market is still very much volatile — prices strengthened after […]

on Feb 15, 2016
75 views 23 secs

Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne was recently asked to defend Google’s tax deal at the World Economic Forum in Davos. How much tax does Google pay in the UK? Transcript: This is a real vindication of this goverment’s approach. When I became chancellor there were some companies that paid little or no tax. […]