Call the Cops, Openly Indifferent
July 12, 2023
175 views 2 mins 0

the bigger picture

Cumulative Returns learning to sit on the sidelines, pay attention to what is going on around me, and say something that is both relevant and performs a relatively healing function has been my life’s greatest challenge small step for man it is too easy to seek attention when it isn’t coming, and take offence when […]

Was Pegasus software deployed to illegally hack & surveille a UK activist WhatsApp group?

Environmental campaigners appear to have been targeted by security companies linked to London Mayor Sadiq Khan. The protestors intended to unveil a banner about a planned road tunnel outside a Q & A attended by the Mayor at the O2 centre near Canary Wharf. They were identified, individually addressed by name and prevented from entering […]


Vinca Petersen I walked past photographer Vinca Petersen‘s exhibition at EDEL ASSANTI on Mortimer Street in London yesterday. Some of the images on display are taken from the 90s Teknival Scene and Reclaim the Streets. Edel Assanti organises photography exhibitions and events, such as London Gallery Weekend, in London and throughout the UK. Established in […]